首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cardiology >Clinical characteristics, myocardial perfusion deficits, and clinical outcomes of patients with non-specific chest pain hospitalized for suspected acute coronary syndrome: A 4-year prospective cohort study

Clinical characteristics, myocardial perfusion deficits, and clinical outcomes of patients with non-specific chest pain hospitalized for suspected acute coronary syndrome: A 4-year prospective cohort study


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Background: Although the prognostic role of stress SPECT MPI is generally well established, its value in predicting non-fatal cardiac events in patients with acute, non-specific chest pain (NSCP) remains unclear. The aims of this study are 1) to describe the baseline clinical characteristics and prevalence of myocardial perfusion (MP) deficits, by use of an adenosine stress SPECT MPI, in NSCP patients without known CAD discharged after hospitalization for suspected ACS; and 2) to prospectively describe the 4-year clinical outcome in terms of all-cause and cardiac mortality; hospitalization and coronary revascularization procedures; and cardio-vascular events in patients with and without MP deficits. Methods and results: We evaluated a series of 272 consecutive patients with acute NSCP and aged 18-75 years. ICDIO-based registries were used to determine the primary outcome (a composite measure of incident CAD death, ACS, or revascularization) and two secondary outcomes (1. all-cause death; 2. a composite measure of cardiovascular death, ACS, revascularization, or stroke). Forty two (15%) participants had a MP deficit. During follow-up (median 1361 days), 7 participants had a primary event, 4 died, and 20 had a secondary composite event. Annual event rates were 0.70,0.39 and 2.07, respectively. MP deficits predicted both subsequent primary and composite secondary events (HR: 7.54; 95% CI = [1.69; 33.69] and 2.93 (95% CI = [1.10; 7.81], respectively). Usual clinical cardiac risk classification could not meaningfully differentiate between patients with and without MP deficits.Conclusion: SPECT MPI substantially improved prediction of incident CAD beyond usual clinical procedures and risk classification systems among NSCP patients.
机译:背景:尽管压力SPECT MPI的预后作用通常是公认的,但其在预测急性,非特异性胸痛(NSCP)患者的非致命性心脏事件中的价值仍不清楚。这项研究的目的是:1)通过使用腺苷应激SPECT MPI,对因怀疑ACS住院后没有已知CAD出院的NSCP患者,描述基线临床特征和心肌灌注(MP)缺陷的患病率; 2)从全因和心脏死亡率方面前瞻性描述4年临床结果;住院和冠脉血运重建程序; MP缺陷和无MP缺陷的患者的心血管事件。方法和结果:我们评估了连续272例年龄在18-75岁之间的急性NSCP患者。基于ICDIO的注册表用于确定主要结局(事件CAD死亡,ACS或血运重建的综合指标)和两个次要结局(1.全因死亡; 2。心血管死亡,ACS,血运重建,或中风)。 42名(15%)参与者有MP缺陷。在随访期间(中位数1361天),有7名参与者发生了主要事件,4名死亡,20名发生了继发性复合事件。年度事件发生率分别为0.70、0.39和2.07。 MP缺陷可预测随后的主要事件和复合性次要事件(HR:7.54; 95%CI = [1.69; 33.69]和2.93(95%CI = [1.10; 7.81]),通常的临床心脏风险分类不能有意义地区分结论:SPECT MPI大大改善了NSCP患者的CAD预测,优于常规临床程序和风险分类系统。



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