首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Astrobiology >The AMINO experiment: exposure of amino acids in the EXPOSE-R experiment on the International Space Station and in laboratory

The AMINO experiment: exposure of amino acids in the EXPOSE-R experiment on the International Space Station and in laboratory


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In order to confirm the results of previous experiments concerning the chemical behaviour of organic molecules in the space environment, organic molecules (amino acids and a dipeptide) in pure form and embedded in meteorite powder were exposed in the AMINO experiment in the EXPOSE-R facility onboard the International Space Station. After exposure to space conditions for 24 months (2843 h of irradiation), the samples were returned to the Earth and analysed in the laboratory for reactions caused by solar ultraviolet (UV) and other electromagnetic radiation. Laboratory UV exposure was carried out in parallel in the Cologne DLR Center (Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft und Raumfahrt). The molecules were extracted from the sample holder and then (1) derivatized by silylation and analysed by gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer (GC-MS) in order to quantify the rate of degradation of the compounds and (2) analysed by high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) in order to understand the chemical reactions that occurred. The GC-MS results confirm that resistance to irradiation is a function of the chemical nature of the exposed molecules and of the wavelengths of the UV light. They also confirm the protective effect of a coating of meteorite powder. The most altered compounds were the dipeptides and aspartic acid while the most robust were compounds with a hydrocarbon chain. The MS analyses document the products of reactions, such as decarboxylation and decarbonylation of aspartic acid, taking place after UV exposure. Given the universality of chemistry in space, our results have a broader implication for the fate of organic molecules that seeded the planets as soon as they became habitable as well as for the effects of UV radiation on exposed molecules at the surface of Mars, for example.
机译:为了确认先前有关空间环境中有机分子化学行为的实验结果,在EXPOSE-R设施的AMINO实验中暴露了纯净形式并嵌入陨石粉末中的有机分子(氨基酸和二肽)在国际空间站上。在空间条件下暴露24个月(辐射2843小时)后,将样品返回地球,并在实验室中分析了由太阳紫外线(UV)和其他电磁辐射引起的反应。在科隆DLR中心(Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft und Raumfahrt)并行进行实验室紫外线照射。从样品架中提取分子,然后(1)通过甲硅烷基化衍生化并通过与质谱仪(GC-MS)联用的气相色谱法进行分析,以定量化合物的降解速率,并(2)通过高通量分析分辨率质谱(HRMS),以了解发生的化学反应。 GC-MS结果证实,对辐射的抵抗力是所暴露分子的化学性质和紫外线波长的函数。他们还证实了陨石粉末涂层的保护作用。变化最大的化合物是二肽和天冬氨酸,而最坚固的是具有烃链的化合物。 MS分析记录了紫外线照射后发生的反应产物,例如天冬氨酸的脱羧和脱羰基反应。考虑到空间化学的普遍性,我们的结果对有机分子一旦进入宜居状态播下行星的命运以及紫外线辐射对火星表面裸露分子的影响具有更广泛的意义。 。



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