首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control >Preparing to ramp up large-scale CCS demonstrations: An engineering-economic assessment of CO_2 pipeline transportation in China

Preparing to ramp up large-scale CCS demonstrations: An engineering-economic assessment of CO_2 pipeline transportation in China


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An integrated carbon dioxide (CO_2) capture and storage (CCS) system requires safe and cost-efficient solutions for transportation of the CO_2 from the capturing facility to the location of storage. While growing efforts in China are underway to understand CO_2 capture and storage, comparatively less attention has been paid to CO_2 transportation issues. Also, to the best of our knowledge, there are no publicly available China-specific cost models for CO_2 pipeline transportation that have been published in peer-reviewed journals. This paper has been developed to determine a first-order estimate of China's cost of onshore CO_2 pipeline transportation. An engineering-economic model based on China-specific data, codes, and standards to the greatest extent possible has been developed for this purpose. Based on the model, five illustrative case studies on pipelines for transporting captured CO_2 from typical Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) and Ultra-supercritical (USC) generating units of250 megawatt (MW), 400 MW, 660 MW, 1000 MW, and 2x1000 MW are carried out. The results show the capital costs of constructing a 100-kilometers (km) pipeline are between $18 million and $102 million, depending on the amount of CO_2 transported. Corresponding figures for the levelized costs are $1.84-$3.06 per tonne of CO_2. Sensitivity analyses are also performed examining the effect of pipeline length and soil temperature on pipeline diameter, as well as flow rate and capital cost on levelized cost. The pipeline length is found to impact the diameter significantly, whereas soil temperature demonstrates insensitivity to pipeline diameter. Both flow rate and capital cost have significant effects on levelized cost. Comparison to other existing models based on either North American or European data implies a major cost difference between developed countries and China: China's cost of onshore CO_2 pipeline transportation is very likely much lower than those estimated in the developed countries. For a 0.02MtCO_2/d case, for example, the levelized cost of CO_2 transportation in China is about two-thirds that of the developed countries.
机译:集成的二氧化碳(CO_2)捕获和存储(CCS)系统需要安全,经济高效的解决方案,用于将CO_2从捕获设施运输到存储位置。尽管在中国为了解CO_2的捕集和封存而进行的努力越来越多,但对CO_2运输问题的关注相对较少。另外,据我们所知,在同行评审期刊上还没有公开提供针对中国的CO_2管道运输成本模型。本文旨在确定中国陆上CO_2管道运输成本的一阶估算。为此,已开发了尽可能基于中国特定数据,法规和标准的工程经济模型。基于该模型,对从典型的综合气化联合循环(IGCC)和超超临界(USC)发电机组中捕获的CO_2进行输送的管道的五个说明性案例研究,这些发电机分别为250 MW,400 MW,660 MW,1000 MW和2x1000进行MW。结果表明,建设100公里管道的资本成本在1800万美元至1.02亿美元之间,具体取决于运输的CO_2量。平均成本的相应数字为每吨CO_2 $ 1.84- $ 3.06。还进行了敏感性分析,以检查管道长度和土壤温度对管道直径的影响,以及流量和资本成本对平整成本的影响。发现管道长度会显着影响直径,而土壤温度表明对管道直径不敏感。流量和资金成本均对均摊成本产生重大影响。与基于北美或欧洲数据的其他现有模型进行比较,则表明发达国家与中国之间存在重大成本差异:中国的陆上CO_2管道运输成本很可能大大低于发达国家的估算成本。例如,对于0.02MtCO_2 / d的情况,中国的CO_2运输成本平均水平约为发达国家的三分之二。



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