首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications >Supply Chain Management models for Industrial Districts: an Agent-Based Simulation study

Supply Chain Management models for Industrial Districts: an Agent-Based Simulation study


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This paper addresses Supply Chain Management (SCM) within Industrial Districts (IDs). This topic is becoming more and more important due to the increase of global competition that forces ID firms to adopt more efficient and effective models and techniques for the management of the material and information flows from the source of supply to the final customer. Even though SCM is a critical process in IDs, the related literature has not devoted much attention to this issue. Therefore, there is an increasing need to develop managerial policies appropriate to the Supply Chains (SCs) within IDs. To this aim, we develop an Agent-Based Model of ID's SCs and we carry out a simulation analysis, by using the software NetLogo, aimed at assessing the efficiency/efficacy of alternative SCM models for ID's SCs (i.e. the choice of supply strategy, supply policy and supplier selection criteria).
机译:本文介绍了工业区(ID)中的供应链管理(SCM)。由于全球竞争的加剧,迫使ID公司采用更有效的模型和技术来管理从供应源到最终客户的物料和信息流,这一主题变得越来越重要。尽管SCM是ID的关键过程,但相关文献并未对此问题投入太多关注。因此,越来越需要开发适合ID内的供应链(SC)的管理策略。为此,我们开发了基于Agent的ID SC的模型,并使用NetLogo软件进行了仿真分析,旨在评估ID SC的替代SCM模型的效率/效能(即,选择供应策略,供应政策和供应商选择标准)。



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