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The non-invasive tear film break-up time in normal children


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Objective: To perform an objective evaluation of the non-invasive tear break-up time (NITBUT) and lipid layer interferometry in normal children. Methods: Children with no known ocular surface disease or anterior segment abnormality were evaluated. We excluded patients with disorders affecting lid margins or tear film composition. NITBUT and lipid layer interferometry were performed using a Keeler tearscope mounted on a slit lamp. The time from eye opening to the first distortion of the grid was noted. The average of three readings was taken as the NITBUT. Results: Thirty-six children (71 eyes) were included (mean age 7.64 years, range 2.16-15.83 years). Mean NITBUT was 21.76±4.06 s (range 14.9-30.95). This is significantly higher in comparison to recent adult studies utilising the tearscope. Twenty-four children allowed tearscope lipid layer interferometry. Eighteen demonstrated grade 1 and six demonstrated grade 2. These grades are within the normal tear film range. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this prospective study is the first to evaluate NITBUT in normal children. The results demonstrate that NITBUT is greater in children in comparison to adults. These normative data are a useful benchmark for further research into tear film instability in children.
机译:目的:对正常儿童的无创撕裂时间(NITBUT)和脂质层干涉测量法进行客观评估。方法:对没有已知眼表疾病或前节异常的儿童进行评估。我们排除了患有影响眼睑边缘或泪膜成分的疾病的患者。使用安装在裂隙灯上的Keeler泪液镜进行NITBUT和脂质层干涉测量。记录了从睁开眼睛到网格第一次变形的时间。三个读数的平均值作为NITBUT。结果:纳入三十六名儿童(71眼)(平均年龄7.64岁,范围2.16-15.83岁)。平均NITBUT为21.76±4.06 s(范围14.9-30.95)。与最近使用泪管镜的成人研究相比,这要高得多。 24名儿童接受了泪液镜脂质层干涉测量。十八个证明的1级和6个证明的2级。这些等级在正常的泪膜范围内。结论:据我们所知,这项前瞻性研究是第一个评估正常儿童NITBUT的研究。结果表明,与成人相比,儿童的NITBUT更高。这些规范数据是进一步研究儿童泪膜不稳定性的有用基准。



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