首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Forestry Research >Tree Species Diversity, Richness, and Similarity in Intact and Degraded Forest in the Tropical Rainforest of the Congo Basin: Case of the Forest of Likouala in the Republic of Congo

Tree Species Diversity, Richness, and Similarity in Intact and Degraded Forest in the Tropical Rainforest of the Congo Basin: Case of the Forest of Likouala in the Republic of Congo


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Trees species diversity, richness, and similarity were studied in fifteen plots of the tropical rainforests in the northeast of the Republic of Congo, based on trees inventories conducted on fifteen 0.25 ha plots installed along different types of forests developed on terra firma, seasonally flooded, and on flooded terra. In all of the plots installed, all trees with diameter at breast height, DBH > 5 cm, were measured. The Shannon diversity index, species richness, equitability, and species dominance were computed to see the variation in tree community among plots but also between primary forest and secondary forest. A total of 1611 trees representing 114 species and 35 families were recorded from a total area of 3.75 ha. Euphorbiaceae was the dominant family in the forest with 12 species, followed by Fabaceae-Mimosoideae (10 species) and Phyllanthaceae (6 species) and Guttiferae (6 species). The biodiversity did not vary greatly from plot to plot on the whole of the study area (3.75 ha). The lowvalue of Shannon index was obtained in plot 11 (H1 = 0.75) whereas the highest value was obtained in plot 12 (H1 = 4.46). The values of this index vary from 0.23 to 0.95 in plots Pll and P15, respectively. Results obtained revealed high biodiversity of trees of the forest of Impfondo-Dongou. The information on tree species structure and function can provide baseline information for conservation of the biodiversity of the tropical forest in this area.
机译:在刚果共和国东北部的15个热带雨林地块上,研究了树木种类的多样性,丰富性和相似性,这些调查是基于在15个0.25公顷的土地上进行的树木清单调查而进行的,该地块是沿着在坚硬土地上开发的不同类型的森林,季节性洪水,并在充满水的土地上在所有已安装的样地中,测量了所有树木的胸径(DBH> 5 cm)。计算香农多样性指数,物种丰富度,公平性和物种优势度,以查看样地之间以及原始森林和次生森林之间树木群落的变化。在3.75公顷的总面积中,总共记录了1611棵树木,代表114种树种和35个科。大戟科是该森林中的优势科,有12种,其次是豆科(Fabaceae-Mimosoideideae)(10种),菊科(Phyllanthaceae)(6种)和古特科(Guttiferae)(6种)。在整个研究区域(3.75公顷)上,不同地块的生物多样性差异不大。香农指数的最小值在图11中(H1 = 0.75),而最大值在曲线12中(H1 = 4.46)。在曲线Pll和P15中,该指数的值分别从0.23至0.95变化。获得的结果表明,Impfondo-Dongou森林的树木具有较高的生物多样性。有关树种结构和功能的信息可以为保护该地区热带森林生物多样性提供基准信息。



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