首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology >31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the liver in HELLP syndrome.

31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the liver in HELLP syndrome.


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OBJECTIVES: Using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to measure phosphorus-containing metabolites in the liver, this study aimed to investigate non-invasively whether or not women with haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets (HELLP) have detectable abnormalities of hepatic energetics. SETTING: John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. DESIGN: Prospective study. METHODS: After giving informed consent, patients with HELLP syndrome (n = 7) and controls with severe pre-eclampsia (n = 3), were studied by 31P MRS of the liver as soon as possible after delivery (range 2-4 days) and compared with normal nonpregnant controls (n = 6). Haematological and biochemical tests were performed serially and on the day of the MRS in all pregnant patients. RESULTS: The severity of HELLP varied as follows: peak aspartate aminotransferase (range 129-2574), peak gamma glutamyl transferase (range 28-96), peak lactate dehydrogenase (range 305-2820), nadir platelets (range 25-114), peak international normalised ratio for prothrombin time (before fresh frozen plasma) (range 0.9-1.9). One pregnancy was terminated but all others resulted in live births and all mothers made uneventful, rapid recoveries. MRS-determined relative hepatic concentrations of phosphorus-containing metabolites and absolute concentrations of adenosine triphosphate did not differ significantly between groups. One patient with the most clinically severe HELLP syndrome (by laboratory criteria) exhibited magnetic resonance spectra which showed a relative increase in phosphomonoester and an absolute decrease in hepatic adenosine triphosphate (to 62% of control). CONCLUSIONS: Enthusiasm for the conservative management of HELLP syndrome that develops remote from term has been tempered by the inability to identify patients at risk for progression to hepatic necrosis. We found that most patients with HELLP syndrome had normal liver metabolism as assessed by MRS. However, clinically severe HELLP syndrome can be associated with disturbed hepatic metabolism consistent with that seen in hepatic ischaemia and/or granulocytic infiltration of the liver.
机译:目的:使用磁共振波谱法(MRS)测量肝脏中的含磷代谢物,该研究旨在非侵入性地调查溶血,肝酶升高和低血小板(HELLP)妇女是否存在可检测到的肝能量异常。地点:牛津约翰·拉德克利夫医院。设计:前瞻性研究。方法:在获得知情同意后,在分娩后(范围2-4天)尽快通过肝脏31P MRS对HELLP综合征(n = 7)和重度先兆子痫(n = 3)的对照患者进行研究。并与正常的非怀孕对照组(n = 6)进行比较。在所有孕妇中,在MRS当天和当天连续进行血液和生化检查。结果:HELLP的严重程度如下:谷草转氨酶峰值(范围129-2574),γ-谷氨酰转移酶峰值(范围28-96),乳酸脱氢酶峰值(范围305-2820),最低血小板(范围25-114),凝血酶原时间的最高国际归一化比率(在新鲜冷冻血浆之前)(范围0.9-1.9)。终止了一次怀孕,但其他所有都导致了分娩,所有母亲的恢复都很顺利。两组之间由MRS测定的相对肝脏肝脏中的含磷代谢物浓度和三磷酸腺苷绝对浓度无显着差异。具有临床上最严重的HELLP综合征(根据实验室标准)的一名患者显示出磁共振波谱,该波谱显示磷酸单酯相对升高,而肝三磷酸腺苷绝对降低(至对照的62%)。结论:由于无法确定有发展为肝坏死危险的患者,对远离足月发展的HELLP综合征的保守治疗的热情已经减弱。我们发现,通过MRS评估,大多数HELLP综合征患者的肝代谢正常。但是,临床上严重的HELLP综合征可能与肝脏代谢紊乱有关,与肝脏缺血和/或肝颗粒细胞浸润一致。



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