首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences >Methods of storage of grains by farmers and losses during storage.

Methods of storage of grains by farmers and losses during storage.


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Storage of grains is an important post harvest function which involves holding and preserving of agricultural commodities from the time they are harvested until they are needed for consumption. Agricultural products need to be stored from one harvest to next and sometimes beyond that for various reasons. The farmers store their produce for own consumption, for sale at some later date or for seed purposes. Different methods have been adopted by farmers for storage of grains. The study was conducted in Dharwad and Haveri districts of Karnataka with an objective of documenting different storage methods adopted by farmers. Various types of storage methods used at farm level by farmers were identified and the grain loss during storage was documented. Among various methods of storage, Pucca koti and metal bins are improved storage methods used by farmers. Gunny bags, gunny bags lined with polythene sheet and fertilizer bags are common types of storage methods adopted by farmers. Highest loss of grains was observed in case of underground storage (20.9%), while in case of Pucca koti (6.34%), gunny bags (4.42%) and metal bins (3.05%).
机译:谷物的储存是一项重要的收获后功能,涉及从收获之日到消费所需的农产品的保存和保存。农产品需要从一个收获期到下一个收获期进行存储,有时出于各种原因,有时甚至超出了存储范围。农民将农产品储存起来供自己消费,以后出售或作种子用途。农民采用了不同的方法来储存谷物。这项研究是在卡纳塔克邦的Dharwad和Haveri地区进行的,目的是记录农民采用的不同储存方法。确定了农民在农场一级使用的各种存储方式,并记录了存储期间的谷物损失。在各种存储方式中,Pucca koti和金属垃圾箱是农民使用的改进存储方式。麻袋,内衬聚乙烯薄膜的麻袋和肥料袋是农民常用的存储方式。在地下储存的情况下,谷物损失最高(20.9%),在Pucca koti的情况下(6.34%),麻袋(4.42%)和金属箱(3.05%)。



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