首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology >Labour characteristics and uterine activity: misoprostol compared with oxytocin in women at term with prelabour rupture of the membranes.

Labour characteristics and uterine activity: misoprostol compared with oxytocin in women at term with prelabour rupture of the membranes.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare the labour pattern and uterine activity of oral misoprostol with oxytocin for labour induction in women presenting with prelabour rupture of membranes at term. DESIGN: Prospective randomised study. SETTING: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong. PARTICIPANTS: Eighty women presenting with prelabour rupture of membranes at term. METHODS: The women were randomised to receive either 100 microg misoprostol orally every 4 hours to a maximum of three doses, or intravenous oxytocin infusion according to the hospital protocol. Intrauterine pressure transducers were inserted one hour before induction of labour in both groups of women. We compared the pattern of uterine activity, the induction-to-delivery interval, duration of labour, mode of delivery and neonatal outcome between the two groups. RESULTS: Both oxytocin and oral misoprostol caused an increase in uterine activity within one hour of labour induction. Peak uterine activity was reached 6-8 h after oral misoprostol, with persistent effects, and 8-10 h after oxytocin, requiring continuous titration of medication. The duration of labour was significantly reduced in nulliparous women, but not in those who were multiparous in the misoprostol group. The induction-to-delivery interval, the mode of delivery and the perinatal outcome were similar for the two groups. CONCLUSION: Oral misoprostol caused earlier peak uterine activity, compared with oxytocin (6-8 h vs 8-10 h). Oral misoprostol was not only as effective as oxytocin in inducing labour in women at term with prelabour rupture of the membranes, but it reduced significantly the duration of labour in nulliparous women.
机译:目的:比较足月产前胎膜早破妇女口服米索前列醇与催产素的分娩方式和子宫活动。设计:前瞻性随机研究。单位:香港玛丽医院妇产科。参与者:足月产前胎膜破裂的80名妇女。方法:根据医院的规程,将这些妇女随机分为每4小时口服一次100微克米索前列醇(最多3剂)或静脉注射催产素。两组妇女在引产前一小时插入宫腔内压力传感器。我们比较了两组之间的子宫活动模式,引产间隔,分娩持续时间,分娩方式和新生儿结局。结果:催产素和口服米索前列醇均在引产一小时内引起子宫活动增加。口服米索前列醇后6-8小时达到子宫峰值活性,具有持续作用,催产素后8-10小时达到子宫的持续作用,需要连续滴定药物。未生育妇女的分娩时间明显缩短,但米索前列醇组中多胎妇女的分娩时间却没有缩短。两组的诱导-分娩间隔,分娩方式和围产期结局相似。结论:与催产素相比,口服米索前列醇引起的子宫峰值活动更早(6-8 h vs 8-10 h)。口服米索前列醇不仅在催产前胎膜破裂的妇女引产方面与催产素一样有效,而且还大大减少了未生育妇女的分娩时间。



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