
Mass customization: manufacturing issues and taxonomic analyses


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As the field of mass customization (MC) attains the status of a mature discipline, two significant research deficits stand out. First, a through metareview of the entire body of MC research that looks at the application value and rigorousness of research is overdue. Second, manufacturing issues, especially those pertaining to quality and the supply chain have been largely ignored. This issue is dedicated to both of these important areas of research. The conclusion with regards to the status of the MC field is that it is currently vibrant, with growing research volume and applications. The manufacturing issues dealt with in this issue are strategically important, dealing with quality and customization issues. The work on quality is the first of its kind: it seeks to generate a defect-tracking matrix consistent with product configurations, enabling agile identification of defects in a mass customization environment. The use of discrete event simulation to deal with the dynamically evolving customized demand so as to minimize cost and schedule disruption is innovative, timely, and profound.



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