首页> 外文期刊>International journal of e-health and medical communications. >The Connective Matrix of Emerging Health Technologies: E-Health Solutions for People with Chronic Disease

The Connective Matrix of Emerging Health Technologies: E-Health Solutions for People with Chronic Disease


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Modern communication systems (Web 1.0, Web 2.0, cloud computing) and mobile wireless technologies (smartphones, iPads, monitoring devices) have, as with all industries, progressed in healthcare over recent years from being a minor, to being a very significant component of the environment. This paper will discuss how advancements in information technology, wireless communication systems and sensor technology have provided new opportunities concerning practices for managing Chronic Disease (CD). This paper will also address future software, touching on Web 3.0 and how, combined with Web 2.0 and cloud computing, has the potential to produce the ultimate architecture of participation. Understanding the benefits of such systems, devices and their increasing emergence and connection with modern healthcare settings, is vital for implementing future successful e-health solutions for people with CD.
机译:与所有行业一样,近几年来,现代通信系统(Web 1.0,Web 2.0,云计算)和移动无线技术(智能手机,iPad,监控设备)在医疗保健领域的发展已从很小的一部分变成了非常重要的组成部分。环境。本文将讨论信息技术,无线通信系统和传感器技术的进步如何为管理慢性病(CD)的实践提供新的机会。本文还将讨论涉及Web 3.0的未来软件,以及将其与Web 2.0和云计算结合使用是否有可能产生最终的参与体系结构。了解此类系统,设备的好处以及它们的不断出现以及与现代医疗环境的联系,对于为CD患者实施未来成功的电子医疗解决方案至关重要。



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