首页> 外文期刊>International journal of digital Earth >Monitoring the source of trans-national dust storms in north east Asia

Monitoring the source of trans-national dust storms in north east Asia


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The vast expanse of the Gobi desert across the Mongolian plateau experiencesfrequent dust storms. In this isolated region remote sensing techniques canprovide an effective measurement of dust storms. Brightness temperaturechannels 4, 5 of AVHRR/NOAA satellite data, emissive bands of MODIS/TERRA satellite data and meteorological station measurement data were usedand tested for dust and sandstorm mapping in the desert area of Mongolia andnorthern China. The differences between thermal bands in combination withgeographic information system (GIS) layers were used for mapping in this study.The results show that dust and sand storm maps can be achieved from emissivebands for monitoring of dust and sandstorms. Most active dust storm sources canoccur in truly remote areas where there is little or no human activity, althoughmany sources are associated with areas where human impacts are welldocumented. Thus, on a regional scale dust mobilisation appears to be dominatedby natural sources.
机译:横跨蒙古高原的戈壁沙漠辽阔,沙尘暴频繁。在这个偏远地区,遥感技术可以提供对沙尘暴的有效测量。利用AVHRR / NOAA卫星数据的亮度温度通道4、5,MODIS / TERRA卫星数据的发射带和气象站测量数据,对蒙古和中国北方沙漠地区的沙尘暴作了测试。本文结合地理信息系统(GIS)层之间的热带差异进行了制图,结果表明,可以通过发射带来实现沙尘暴地图,以监测沙尘暴。大多数活跃的沙尘暴源可能发生在人类活动很少或根本没有的真正偏远地区,尽管许多来源都与人类影响有据可查的地区有关。因此,在区域范围内,粉尘动员似乎主要是自然资源。



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