首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology >A real-time wavelet-based video compression approach to intelligent video surveillance systems

A real-time wavelet-based video compression approach to intelligent video surveillance systems


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This work presents a wavelet-based approach to compressing video, with high speed, high image quality and high compression ratio. Using the sequential characteristics of surveillance images, this method applies the low-complexity zero-tree coding, which costs low memory, to develop an algorithm for encoding and decoding video, which greatly improves the speeds of compression and decompression and maintains images of high quality. The method provides good quality and smoothness even under multi-channel surveillance, and so is of great value to companies that develop multi-channel surveillance systems. The ActiveX technique is used to implement the algorithm to take advantage of multimedia, the internet and visual rapid-application-development. The versatile and intelligent surveillance system includes peripheral computer hardware and mobile communication. Incorporating IA, this system is not just a surveillance system but is, rather, an intelligent home manager that can control electronic appliances, video/audio systems and home security in an 'e-Home'.
机译:这项工作提出了一种基于小波的视频压缩方法,具有高速度,高图像质量和高压缩率。利用监视图像的顺序特征,该方法采用了低复杂度的零树编码,节省了内存,开发了视频编码和解码算法,极大地提高了压缩和解压缩的速度,并保持了高质量的图像。 。该方法即使在多通道监视下也能提供良好的质量和平滑度,因此对于开发多通道监视系统的公司具有重要的价值。 ActiveX技术用于实现该算法,以利用多媒体,互联网和可视化快速应用程序开发的优势。多功能智能监视系统包括外围计算机硬件和移动通信。集成了IA,该系统不仅是监视系统,而且是可以在“ e-Home”中控制电子设备,视频/音频系统和家庭安全的智能家庭管理器。



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