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Season's greetings to all BJN readers


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If you have time to read this, you must be ready for Christmas and the celebrations that go with it; cards may be sent, presents wrapped, duty rota sorted and social life planned. If not, perhaps you are like me, and are looking for some distraction from the festive season for just a moment or two, just to help keep things in perspective. For most of us in health care, work goes on as normal over Christmas and New Year and usually gets busier. There is no holiday shut down for the NHS in acute, community or primary care services. Of course, any focus on the NHS in the media is likely to be on hospital care (i.e. presents for children in hospital on Christmas day, and the first Christmas or New Year baby), but colleagues across all community services press on as well, keeping people safe and cared for in their own homes. Harsh winter weather in recent years did let the spotlight shine briefly, and deservedly, on district nurses in particular, as they walked miles through deep snow to see their patients; however, so often community and primary care is the forgotten hero of health care over the festive period.
机译:如果您有时间阅读本文,则必须准备圣诞节和随之而来的庆祝活动;可以发送卡片,包装礼物,分担工作职责并计划社交生活。如果不是,也许您和我一样,并且正在寻找一两个小小的节日假期的注意力,只是为了使事情保持透视。对于我们大多数医疗保健人员而言,圣诞节和新年期间的工作都正常进行,通常会变得更忙。 NHS在急诊,社区或初级保健服务中没有放假。当然,媒体对NHS的关注很可能是在医院护理(即圣诞节那天送给住院儿童的礼物,以及第一个圣诞节或新年婴儿的礼物),但是所有社区服务部门的同事也都在努力,确保人们在自己家里安全并受到照顾。近年来严峻的冬季天气确实使聚光灯短暂地,而且当之无愧地照射在地区护士身上,当他们走过数英里深的积雪去看望病人时,是理所应当的。然而,在节日期间,社区和基层医疗常常被人们遗忘为卫生保健的英雄。



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