首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society >Regional climate simulations of the changes in the components of the moisture budget over South America

Regional climate simulations of the changes in the components of the moisture budget over South America


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The moisture transport over South America (SA) was investigated through the vertically integrated moisture flux of three regions: the Amazon (AMZ), Northeastern Brazil (NEB) and the La Plata Basin (LPB), in different climates, past (1961-1990) and future (2071-2100), in the summer (DJF) and winter (JJA) seasons. For this, we used the results of the simulations of four regional climate models (RCMs) of the Regional Climate Change Assessment for the La Plata Basin (CLARIS-LPB) project. The capacity and limitations of the models to simulate seasonal precipitation for the past period is discussed. In general, the RCMs tended to overestimate the observed precipitation during DJF in the NEB and underestimate it during JJA in the LPB. In relation to change in precipitation (future minus past), the RCMs indicated a decrease in precipitation over northern SA. The average fluxes of the AMZ and NEB regions provided most of the water vapour through the east and north edges, which indicates that the contributions of the North and South Atlantic trade winds are equally important for the entry of moisture during JJA and DJF. This configuration was observed in all models and climates. By comparing past and future climates, the moisture flux convergence during the past was lower relative to the future in different regions and seasons, with statistically significant differences at the 5% level considering the Student's t-test. In the same study, we compared the simulated (RCMs) and reanalysis moisture flux (ERA-40) in the past climate. The result indicated that the CLARIS project's RCMs are capable of simulating values similar or equal to the observed ones, providing high quality data for SA that can be useful in the analysis of changes in future moisture fluxes.
机译:通过三个区域(亚马逊地区(AMZ),巴西东北部(NEB)和拉普拉塔盆地(LPB))在过去(1961-1990年)不同气候条件下的垂直积分水分通量研究了南美(SA)上的水分传输。 )以及将来的(2071-2100),夏季(DJF)和冬季(JJA)季节。为此,我们使用了拉普拉塔盆地区域气候变化评估(CLARIS-LPB)项目的四个区域气候模型(RCM)的模拟结果。讨论了该模型模拟过去一段时间的季节性降水的能力和局限性。通常,RCM倾向于高估NEB在DJF期间观测到的降水,而低估LPB在JJA期间观测到的降水。关于降水量的变化(未来减去过去),RCMs表明南半球降水量减少。 AMZ和NEB地区的平均通量提供了大部分通过东部和北部边缘的水蒸气,这表明北大西洋和南大西洋贸易风的贡献对于JJA和DJF期间的水分进入同样重要。在所有模式和气候下均观察到这种配置。通过比较过去和将来的气候,过去的水分通量收敛相对于未来在不同的地区和季节要低一些,考虑到学生t检验,统计学上的显着性差异在5%水平。在同一研究中,我们比较了过去气候中的模拟(RCM)和再分析水分通量(ERA-40)。结果表明,CLARIS项目的RCM能够模拟与所观察值相似或相等的值,从而为SA提供高质量的数据,可用于分析未来水分通量的变化。



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