首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society >Bayesian analysis of changes in Radiosonde Atmospheric Temperature

Bayesian analysis of changes in Radiosonde Atmospheric Temperature


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This paper describes long-term changes of global atmospheric temperature, using a strict Bayesian approach which considers three different models to describe the time series: the constant model, the linear model and a change point model. The change point model allows the description of nonlinear annual rates of change with associated confidence intervals. We calculate the probabilities of each of the three models and average finally over these models to obtain the expected functional behaviour and rate of change in temperature with annual resolution. We apply this procedure to a new homogenized Radiosonde Atmospheric Temperature Products for Assessing Climate (RATPAC-A) data set. Annual mean temperature for 13 pressure levels from the Surface to 30 hPa is examined. Residual sums of squares reveal that Bayesian-model-averaged function descriptions and rates of changes are especially useful and informative for the surface, troposphere and tropopause and less appropriate for the stratosphere. From the surface up to the tropopause (200-100 hPa), the results reveal that the change point model provides the best data fit. Despite the occurrence of two volcanic eruptions El Chicon (1982) and Mt. Pinatubo (1991). the stratosphere (70-30 hPa) shows a preference for the linear model (60%). The near surface changes exhibit comparatively high change point probability around 1985 and 1995, whereas those at the tropopause level are highest between 1995 and 2000. For the surface and troposphere the model-averaged functional behaviour increases quite constantly, whereas the model-averaged functional behaviour for the tropopause decreases until the end of the 1990s and increases from 2000 onwards. The limitations of the currently used radiosonde data render interpretation of the observed changes difficult. Additionally undetected change points may result from our limited model space. In future it should be tested whether a multiple change point model provides a better data description for the stratosphere.
机译:本文使用严格的贝叶斯方法描述了全球大气温度的长期变化,该方法考虑了三种不同的模型来描述时间序列:常数模型,线性模型和变化点模型。变更点模型允许描述具有相关置信区间的非线性年变化率。我们计算这三个模型中每个模型的概率,并最终对这些模型进行平均,以获得具有年度分辨率的预期功能行为和温度变化率。我们将此程序应用于新的均质的用于评估气候的探空仪大气温度产品(RATPAC-A)数据集。检查了从地表到30 hPa的13个压力水平的年平均温度。残差平方和表明,贝叶斯模型平均的函数描述和变化率对于表面,对流层和对流层顶特别有用,但对于平流层而言则是有用的。从表面到对流层顶(200-100 hPa),结果表明变化点模型提供了最佳的数据拟合。尽管发生了两次火山喷发,但El Chicon(1982)和Mt.皮纳图博(1991)。平流层(70-30 hPa)对线性模型(60%)表示偏爱。近地表变化在1985年和1995年左右表现出较高的变化点概率,而对流层顶水平的变化点概率在1995年至2000年之间最高。对于地表和对流层,模型平均功能行为相当稳定地增加,而模型平均功能行为则相当对流层顶的减少一直持续到1990年代末,从2000年开始增加。当前使用的探空仪数据的局限性使得难以解释观测到的变化。此外,我们有限的模型空间可能会导致无法检测到变化点。将来应该测试多变化点模型是否为平流层提供了更好的数据描述。



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