
Changes in Australian pan evaporation from 1970 to 2002


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Contrary to expectations, measurements of pan evaporation show decreases in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere over the last 50 years. When combined with rainfall measurements, these data show that much of the Northern Hemisphere's terrestrial surface has become less arid over the last 50 years. However, whether the decrease in pan evaporation is a phenomenon limited to the Northern Hemisphere has until now been unknown because there have been no reports from the Southern Hemisphere. Here, we report a decrease in pan evaporation rate over the last 30 years across Australia of the same magnitude as the Northern Hemisphere trends (approximately -4 mm a-2). The results show that the terrestrial surface in Australia has, on average, become less arid over the recent past, just like much of the Northern Hemisphere. Copyright ? 2004 Royal Meteorological Society.
机译:与预期相反,在过去50年中,北半球许多地区的蒸发皿蒸发量测量结果有所下降。结合降雨测量结果,这些数据表明,在过去的50年中,北半球的大部分陆地表面的干旱程度有所降低。但是,由于没有南半球的报道,锅蒸发的减少是否仅限于北半球这一现象至今仍不为人所知。在这里,我们报告了过去30年中澳大利亚的蒸发皿蒸发率下降的幅度,与北半球趋势相同(约-4 mm a-2)。结果表明,与北半球的大部分地区一样,澳大利亚的陆地表面在最近一段时间内的干旱程度也有所降低。版权? 2004年皇家气象学会。



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