首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society >Examination of trends in hourly surface pressure in Canada during 1953-2003

Examination of trends in hourly surface pressure in Canada during 1953-2003


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Hourly values of surface pressure recorded at 90 stations across Canada during 1953-2003 were examined. For each station, a linear trend was fitted to the data and a statistical t-test determined whether the trend was significant at the 5% level. Most of the stations located above 60 degrees N latitude reported a statistically significant decrease in winter pressure averaging -5.8 hPa over the 50 year period which is likely a manifestation of the Arctic oscillation (AO). This winter pressure decrease is slightly larger than that found in other studies that determined sea level pressure trends during 1948-1998 using reanalyzed datasets. The present work found fewer and weaker statistically significant trends for the northern stations during the other seasons. Very few stations in southern Canada had significant trends in any season. The data were also examined for possible inhomogeneities, but none that affected the aforementioned conclusions were found. Copyright (c) 2005 Royal Meteorological Society.
机译:考察了1953-2003年期间加拿大90个站点的每小时地面压力值。对于每个测站,将线性趋势拟合到数据,并进行统计t检验以确定趋势是否在5%水平上显着。位于北纬60度以上的大多数气象站都报告说,在过去50年中,冬季平均压力平均下降了-5.8 hPa,这有统计学意义,这很可能是北极振荡(AO)的一种表现。这种冬季压力的下降幅度略大于其他研究的结果,该研究使用重新分析的数据集确定了1948-1998年的海平面压力趋势。目前的工作发现,在其他季节,北部气象台的统计显着趋势越来越少且较弱。在加拿大南部,很少有站点在任何季节都有明显的趋势。还检查了数据是否存在不均匀性,但未发现影响上述结论的任何数据。版权所有(c)2005皇家气象学会。



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