
Spatial downscaling of European climate data


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E-OBS(European Observations) is a gridded climate data set which contains maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and precipitation on a daily time step. The data can be as fine as 0.25 degrees in resolution and extends over the entire European continent and parts of Africa and Asia. However, for studying regional or local climatic effects, a finer resolution would be more appropriate. A continental data set with resolution would allow research that is large in scale and still locally relevant. Until now, a climate data set with high spatial and temporal resolution has not existed for Europe. To fulfil this need, we produced a downscaled version of E-OBS, applying the delta method, which uses WorldClim climate surfaces to obtain a 0.008 degrees (about 1x1km) resolution climate data set on a daily time step covering the European Union. The new downscaled data set includes minimum and maximum temperature and precipitation for the years 1951-2012. It is analysed against weather station data from six countries: Norway, Germany, France, Italy, Austria, and Spain. Our analysis of the downscaled data set shows a reduction in the mean bias error of 3 degrees C for mean daily minimum temperature and of 4 degrees C for mean daily maximum temperature. Daily precipitation improved by 0.15 mm on average for all weather stations in the validation. The entire data set is freely and publically available at .
机译:E-OBS(欧洲观测)是一个网格化的气候数据集,其中包含每日时间步长上的最高温度,最低温度和降水。数据的分辨率可以高达0.25度,并且覆盖整个欧洲大陆以及非洲和亚洲的部分地区。但是,为了研究区域或当地的气候影响,更精细的分辨率会更合适。具有分辨率的大陆数据集将允许进行大规模的研究,但仍与当地相关。到目前为止,欧洲还没有具有高时空分辨率的气候数据集。为满足此需求,我们使用delta方法制作了E-OBS的缩小版本,该方法使用WorldClim气候表面来获取覆盖欧盟的每日时间步长上的0.008度(约1x1 km)分辨率的气候数据集。新的按比例缩小的数据集包括1951-2012年的最低和最高温度和降水。将根据来自六个国家/地区的气象站数据进行分析:挪威,德国,法国,意大利,奥地利和西班牙。我们对缩小规模的数据集的分析显示,平均每日最低温度的平均偏差误差降低了3摄氏度,平均每日最高温度的平均偏差降低了4摄氏度。在验证中,所有气象站的平均日降水量平均提高了0.15毫米。完整的数据集可在上免费公开获得。



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