首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society >Atmospheric circulation types and winter daily precipitation in Iran

Atmospheric circulation types and winter daily precipitation in Iran


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The relationship between daily large-scale atmospheric circulation types (CTs) and wintertime daily precipitation over Iran during the period 1965-2000 is investigated. Twelve atmospheric CTs identified in a previous study, which applied the K-means clustering technique to the rotated principal components (RPCs) of the 500 hPa geopotential height fields, are also considered in this study. The leading spatial modes of daily precipitation variability over Iran are extracted by a PC analysis, with Varimax rotation, applied to the APHRODITE (Asian Precipitation-Highly Resolved Observational Data Integration Towards Evaluation of the Water Resources) gridded precipitation dataset; six Iranian sub-regions with independent precipitation variability are identified. The relationships between the CTs and the daily precipitation are investigated by computing: (1) the spatial patterns of the performance index (PI) for each CT and (2) the cross tabulations between the frequencies of occurrence of the CTs and the RPC scores of the daily precipitation, associated with each of the six sub-regions. Results suggest that two particular CTs affect the precipitation occurrence over most of the country, while the remaining ten provide more regional or negligible contributions to precipitation. The more (less) influencing CTs in each precipitation sub-region are then identified and a characterization of the main large-scale atmospheric features governing the winter precipitation fields is provided.
机译:研究了1965-2000年期间伊朗每日大规模大气环流类型(CTs)与冬季冬季每日降水之间的关系。在先前的研究中确定的十二个大气CT,也将K-means聚类技术应用于500 hPa地势高度场的旋转主分量(RPC),也被考虑在内。通过PC分析和Varimax旋转,提取伊朗日降水量变化的主要空间模式,并将其应用于APHRODITE(亚洲降水-水资源评估的高度分解观测数据集成)网格降水数据集;确定了六个具有独立降水变化性的伊朗次区域。通过计算以下公式来研究CT与日降水量之间的关系:(1)每个CT的性能指标(PI)的空间格局,以及(2)CT的出现频率与RPC得分之间的交叉表。与六个分区中的每个分区相关的每日降水量。结果表明,有两个特殊的气候变化影响了全国大部分地区的降水,而其余十个则对降水产生了更多的区域性或微不足道的影响。然后确定每个降水分区中影响较大的CTs,并提供了控制冬季降水场的主要大规模大气特征的特征。



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