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Using phenology to assess urban heat islands in tropical and temperate regions


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The study of urban phenology is relevant to assess the effects of heat islands and the potential impacts of climate change on plants. Temperature is the main factor regulating plant development in moist/temperate regions. However, plants in tropical cities may respond to additional environmental cues, such as air humidity. We examined whether differences in air temperature and humidity along an urban-rural gradient influenced phenological onset dates of trees in a temperate mid-latitude city (Munich, Germany) and a city in the neotropics (Campinas, Brazil). (Dis)similarities were identified incorporating equivalent study design based on identical methods for recording phenology and site-specific meteorological data. We found that phenological onset dates of silver birch (Betula pendula) were able to describe local temperature variations in Munich. Correlation coefficients between mean temperature and onset dates of Betula were significant and varied between r = -0.48 and r = -0.72. However, onset dates for yellow trumpet tree (Tabebuia chrysotricha), false Brazilwood (Caesalpinia pluviosa) and rosewood (Tipuana tipu) in Campinas were rather variable, and the magnitude and significance of correlation coefficients with temperature varied greatly among species/phenophases. Nevertheless, we detected significant correlations, especially between Tipuana phenophases and temperature and between leaf unfolding of Tabebuia and humidity. Our findings revealed that the phenology of Tipuana was sufficiently sensitive to detect urban heat island effects in Campinas and might be a useful indicator of temperature variations and, in turn, of global warming. Because Tipuana is widely used for urban arborization in South America, we foresee many applications for monitoring heat islands in the neotropics. Furthermore, the fact that most phenophases of Tabebuia were not responsive to temperature stressed the importance of humidity variables. Additional species and phenophases should be explored to identify the further potential of phenology for monitoring heat islands in tropical cities.
机译:对城市物候的研究与评估热岛效应和气候变化对植物的潜在影响有关。温度是调节潮湿/温带地区植物生长的主要因素。但是,热带城市中的植物可能会对其他环境提示(例如空气湿度)做出反应。我们研究了温带中纬度城市(德国慕尼黑)和新热带城市(巴西坎皮纳斯)沿城乡梯度变化的气温和湿度是否影响树木的物候发生日期。基于记录物候和特定地点气象数据的相同方法,结合等效研究设计,确定了(不相似)相似性。我们发现白桦(Betula pendula)的物候发生日期能够描述慕尼黑的局部温度变化。平均温度与桦木发病日期之间的相关系数很显着,并且在r = -0.48和r = -0.72之间变化。然而,坎皮纳斯的黄色小号树(Tabebuia chrysotricha),假巴西木(Caesalpinia pluviosa)和红木(Tipuana tipu)的发病日期变化很大,并且物种/表相之间与温度的相关系数的大小和显着性差异很大。然而,我们检测到显着的相关性,特别是在蒂皮亚纳期和温度之间以及塔伯布亚叶的展开和湿度之间。我们的发现表明,蒂皮亚纳的物候学特征足以检测坎皮纳斯的城市热岛效应,并且可能是温度变化以及全球变暖的有用指标。因为Tipuana在南美洲被广泛用于城市乔木,所以我们预见到在新热带地区监测热岛的许多应用。此外,大多数禁忌菌的表相对温度没有反应这一事实强调了湿度变量的重要性。应该探索其他物种和物候期,以确定物候学在监测热带城市热岛的进一步潜力。



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