首页> 外文期刊>International journal of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics >Pharmacokinetics of alogliptin when administered with food, metformin, or cimetidine: a two-phase, crossover study in healthy subjects.

Pharmacokinetics of alogliptin when administered with food, metformin, or cimetidine: a two-phase, crossover study in healthy subjects.


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OBJECTIVE: The dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor alogliptin, under development for treatment of Type 2 diabetes, primarily is excreted renally. This study investigated (1) the effect of food on alogliptin pharmacokinetics and tolerability and (2) pharmacokinetic interactions between alogliptin and metformin or cimetidine and tolerability of alogliptin when administered with either drug. METHODS: This randomized, open-label, two-phase, crossover study recruited healthy adults. In the single-dose phase, 36 subjects received an oral dose of alogliptin 100 mg under fed or fasted conditions. In the multiple-dose phase, subjects in one arm (n = 17) received 6 days each of alogliptin 100 mg once daily (q.d.), metformin 1,000 mg twice daily (b.i.d), and alogliptin q.d. + metformin b.i.d; subjects in the other arm (n = 18) received 6 days each of alogliptin 100 mg q.d., cimetidine 400 mg q.d., and alogliptin q.d. + cimetidine b.i.d. Pharmacokinetic parameters were determined after the last dose in each period. Tolerability was assessed through adverse events and clinical findings. RESULTS: Food had no effect on alogliptin area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) from 0 h to infinity and a small, clinically insignificant effect on maximum plasma concentration (C(max)) (fed/fasted least squares (LS) geometric mean ratio, 0.856; 90% confidence interval (CI), 0.798 - 0.917). Metformin and cimetidine did not affect alogliptin pharmacokinetics. Alogliptin had no effect on metformin C(max) and a small, clinically insignificant effect on AUC over the dosing interval ((alogliptin + metformin)/metformin LS geometric mean ratio, 1.19; 90% CI, 1.095 - 1.291). Alogliptin did not affect cimetidine pharmacokinetics. Alogliptin tolerability was similar under all conditions. CONCLUSION: Alogliptin can be administered without regard to meals and with metformin or cimetidine without the need for dose adjustment.
机译:目的:正在开发用于治疗2型糖尿病的二肽基肽酶4抑制剂阿格列汀,主要通过肾脏排泄。这项研究调查了(1)食物对阿格列汀药代动力学和耐受性的影响,以及(2)阿格列汀与二甲双胍或西咪替丁之间的药代动力学相互作用以及阿格列汀的任一种药物的耐受性。方法:这项随机,开放标签,两阶段,交叉研究纳入了健康成年人。在单剂量阶段,有36名受试者在进食或禁食条件下接受了100 mg阿格列汀的口服剂量。在多剂量阶段,一只手臂(n = 17)的受试者每人接受6天的阿格列汀100 mg每天一次(q.d.),二甲双胍1,000 mg每天两次(b.i.d)和alogliptinq.d。 +二甲双胍b.i.d;另一组(n = 18)的受试者分别接受6天的阿格列汀100 mg q.d,西咪替丁400 mg q.d.和alogliptinq.d。 +西咪替丁b.i.d.在每个时期的最后剂量后确定药代动力学参数。通过不良事件和临床发现评估耐受性。结果:食物对浓度-时间曲线(AUC)在0 h至无穷大范围内的阿格列汀面积无影响,并且对最大血浆浓度(C(max))的影响很小(临床上无影响)(进食/禁食最小平方(LS)几何)平均比率0.856; 90%置信区间(CI)为0.798-0.917)。二甲双胍和西咪替丁不影响阿格列汀的药代动力学。在给药间隔期间,阿格列汀对二甲双胍C(max)没有影响,而对AUC的临床意义很小((阿格列汀+二甲双胍)/二甲双胍LS几何平均比值为1.19; 90%CI为1.095-1.291)。阿格列汀不影响西咪替丁的药代动力学。在所有情况下,阿格列汀的耐受性均相似。结论:阿格列汀可以不考虑进餐而与二甲双胍或西咪替丁联用,无需调整剂量。



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