首页> 外文期刊>International journal of clinical practice >Evaluation of the clinical outcomes of switching patients from atorvastatin to simvastatin and losartan to candesartan in a primary care setting: 2 years on.

Evaluation of the clinical outcomes of switching patients from atorvastatin to simvastatin and losartan to candesartan in a primary care setting: 2 years on.


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Aims: This short report was designed to provide 2-year follow-up data from a previous study carried out in a primary care practice in the UK to assess the clinical and practical implications of switching to generic drugs. Methods: All patients previously switched from atorvastatin to simvastatin or losartan to candesartan were reviewed retrospectively 2 years after the switch. Total serum cholesterol and clinic blood pressure readings were used along with records of cardiovascular events occuring during the 2 year period to assess the clinical impact of the switch. Results: Of the 69 patients switched from atorvastatin to simvastatin between March and September 2005, 65 are still registered at the practice. Of these, 61 (94%) are still on simvastatin and 58 (89%) on the same dose. There was no significant change in mean total cholesterol over this 2 year period [between 4.04 +/- 0.52 mmol/l prior to the switch and 3.90 +/- 0.63 mmol/l 2 years after the switch (p = 0.06)]. Of the 108 patients switched from losartan to candesartan, 94 are still registered at the practice and taking an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB), 92 of these (98%) are still on candesartan and there was a significant reduction in blood pressure 2 years post-switch [between 138/79 +/- 12.9/6.6 prior to the switch and 131/77 +/- 13.1/7.6 mmHg 2 years after the switch (p0.05)]. No adverse events attributable to the switch were reported in either group. Conclusion: This small study provides evidence that switching drugs in primary care can be cost effective and safe in the medium term, if care is taken with selection of patients and there is structured follow-up in place.
机译:目的:这份简短的报告旨在提供在英国初级保健实践中进行的先前研究的2年随访数据,以评估转用仿制药的临床和实际意义。方法:所有先前从阿托伐他汀改用辛伐他汀或氯沙坦改用坎地沙坦的患者均需在改用后2年进行回顾性检查。使用总血清胆固醇和临床血压读数以及在2年期间发生的心血管事件的记录来评估转换的临床影响。结果:在2005年3月至9月之间从阿托伐他汀转为辛伐他汀的69例患者中,仍有65例仍在该诊所登记。其中61例(94%)仍在使用辛伐他汀,58例(89%)在相同剂量下。在这两年期间,平均总胆固醇没有显着变化[转换前为4.04 +/- 0.52 mmol / l,转换后2年为3.90 +/- 0.63 mmol / l(p = 0.06)]。从氯沙坦转为坎地沙坦的108名患者中,有94名仍在实践中注册并且正在接受血管紧张素受体阻滞剂(ARB),其中92名(98%)仍在使用坎地沙坦,并且术后2年血压显着降低-切换[切换前138/79 +/- 12.9 / 6.6和切换后2年131/77 +/- 13.1 / 7.6 mmHg之间(p 0.05)]。两组均未报告可归因于转换的不良事件。结论:这项小型研究提供了证据,表明如果对患者进行选择并采取结构合理的随访措施,则在中期就可以在成本效益和安全性方面切换药物。



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