首页> 外文期刊>International journal of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics >Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic interrelationships of intravenous and oral levosimendan in patients with severe congestive heart failure.

Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic interrelationships of intravenous and oral levosimendan in patients with severe congestive heart failure.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) interrelations after a 6-hour continuous infusion and a 2 mg single oral dose of levosimendan in patients with congestive heart failure (CHF). METHODS: This was an open-label, non-randomized Phase II trial in 29 patients with New York Heart Association (NYHA) class III-IV CHF, comprising 2 study days. On the first day, patients were given 6-hour levosimendan infusion with the dose 0.2 microg/kg/min. After a 1-week washout, the patients received a 2 mg single oral dose of levosimendan. Heart rate-corrected electromechanical systole QS2i was the primary variable. Secondary variables were heart rate (HR), systolic (sBP) and diastolic blood pressure (dBP) and 24-hour ambulatory ECG (Holter). RESULTS: QS2i shortened from 515 ms at baseline to 506 ms at the end of 6-hour infusion (p = 0.007). After 2 mg single dose, QS2i shortened at 2 h after drug intake from 532 ms at baseline to 525 ms (p = 0.006). The effect was similar also at 8 h (532 ms vs 526 ms, p = 0.017). Mean of maximum shortening of QS2i observed during the infusion was 22 ms (p < 0.0001) and 17 ms after 2 mg single oral dose (p < 0.0001). The concentration-effect loops for QS2i showed a clear counter-clockwise hysteresis with both modes of administration. sBP and dBP decreased both during infusion and after 2 mg oral dose. HR remained unchanged during both modes of administration. CONCLUSIONS: Both 6-hour infusion and 2 mg single dose of levosimendan showed that levosimendan possesses moderate inotropic and vasodilatory effects in patients with severe congestive heart failure, which could be described as counter-clockwise hysteresis. It seemed that the vasodilatory effect appeared earlier than the inotropic effect.
机译:目的:评估充血性心力衰竭(CHF)患者连续6小时连续输注和单次口服2 mg左西孟旦后的药代动力学-药效学(PK-PD)相关性。方法:这是一项开放标签,非随机的II期临床试验,共29个纽约心脏协会(NYHA)III-IV级CHF患者进行了2天的研究。在第一天,患者接受了6小时的左西孟旦输注,剂量为0.2 microg / kg / min。冲洗1周后,患者接受2 mg左西孟旦单次口服剂量。经心率校正的机电收缩期QS2i是主要变量。次要变量是心率(HR),收缩压(sBP)和舒张压(dBP)和24小时动态ECG(Holter)。结果:QS2i从基线时的515毫秒缩短到6小时输注结束时的506毫秒(p = 0.007)。单剂2 mg后,药物摄入后2 h QS2i从基线的532 ms缩短至525 ms(p = 0.006)。 8小时时的效果也相似(532 ms与526 ms,p = 0.017)。在输注过程中观察到的QS2i最大缩短的平均值为22毫秒(p <0.0001),在2 mg单次口服剂量后(p <0.0001)为17毫秒。 QS2i的浓度效应回路在两种给药方式下均显示出清晰的逆时针滞后现象。输注期间和口服2 mg后sBP和dBP均降低。在两种管理方式下,HR均保持不变。结论:左西孟旦6小时输注和2 mg单剂量都显示左西孟旦对重度充血性心力衰竭患者具有中等的正性肌力和血管舒张作用,这可被描述为逆时针滞后。血管舒张作用似乎比正性肌力作用更早出现。



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