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VEGA Measure Biomass Levels at Drax Power

机译:VEGA在Drax Power上测量生物量水平

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Drax Power Station in North Yorkshire is already the largest, cleanest and most efficient coal-fired power station in the country. Already home to the largest biomass co-firing facility in the world commissioned in 2010, in which sustainable biomass is burnt alongside coal to produce electricity, Drax has ambitions to become a predominantly biomass fuelled generator. Not only does their investment in biomass co-firing strengthen their environmental leadership position, but it further enhances their reputation to stay at the forefront of developments to establish effective alternative fuel technologies for electricity generation in the UK. Electricity generation from biomass is a low carbon technology delivering significant carbon dioxide savings compared to fossil fuel generation.
机译:北约克郡的德拉克斯电站已经是该国最大,最清洁,最高效的燃煤电站。 Drax已经成为全球最大的生物质共燃设施的所在地,该设施于2010年投入运营,其中可持续的生物质与煤炭一起燃烧以产生电力,Drax雄心勃勃,希望成为以生物质为主要燃料的发电机。他们在生物质共烧方面的投资不仅增强了他们在环境方面的领导地位,而且进一步提高了他们的声誉,使其能够站在发展的最前沿,从而在英国建立有效的替代燃料技术来发电。与生物燃料相比,生物质发电是一种低碳技术,可节省大量二氧化碳。



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