首页> 外文期刊>International journal of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics >Fatal hyponatremia and other metabolic disturbances associated with psychotropic drug polypharmacy.

Fatal hyponatremia and other metabolic disturbances associated with psychotropic drug polypharmacy.


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OBJECTIVE: To report a case of fatal hyponatremia, marked hyperglycemia, and acute pancreatitis following simultaneous administration of paroxetine, fluphenazine, haloperidol and olanzapine. CASE SUMMARY: A 44-year-old non-diabetic male was admitted unconsciously, with severe hyponatremia, hyperglycemia and bradypnea. The patient had a history of long-term treatment with paroxetine, fluphenazine, haloperidol and olanzapine. Upon arrival, the plasma sodium level was 104 mmol/l, and blood glucose was 940 mg/dl. The therapy consisted of ventilatory support and intensive correction of hyponatremia and hyperglycemia. 2 hours later, hypotension and refractory cardiac arrest occurred. The autopsy disclosed severe cerebral edema as cause of death, and a modest hemorrhagic pancreatitis. DISCUSSION: Paroxetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor which stimulates antidiuretic hormone (ADH) release and may cause the syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion with consecutive hyponatremia. Fluphenazine and haloperidol may contribute to this syndrome. Fluphenazine, and particularly olanzapine are associated with an increased incidence ofdiabetes. Olanzapine has been reported as a risk factor for acute pancreatitis. The Naranjo probability scale was not applicable because of almost immediate lethal outcome. CONCLUSION: Polypharmacy increases the risk of various adverse reactions. Adverse effects of paroxetine and many anti-psychotic drugs, such as hyponatremia and hyperglycemia, should be monitored periodically to prevent complications. The role of olanzapine in the etiology of acute pancreatitis remains to be evaluated.
机译:目的:报告一例同时给予帕罗西汀,氟苯那嗪,氟哌啶醇和奥氮平的致命性低钠血症,明显的高血糖症和急性胰腺炎的病例。病例摘要:一名44岁的非糖尿病男性在不知不觉中被录取,患有严重的低钠血症,高血糖症和慢呼吸。该患者有帕罗西汀,氟奋乃静,氟哌啶醇和奥氮平的长期治疗史。到达后,血浆钠水平为104 mmol / l,血糖为940 mg / dl。该疗法包括通气支持和低钠血症和高血糖症的强化矫正。 2小时后,发生低血压和难治性心脏骤停。尸检显示严重的脑水肿是死亡原因,并有中度出血性胰腺炎。讨论:帕罗西汀是一种选择性的5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂,可刺激抗利尿激素(ADH)释放,并可能导致连续性低钠血症导致不适当的ADH分泌综合征。氟奋乃静和氟哌啶醇可能导致这种综合征。氟奋乃静,尤其是奥氮平与糖尿病的发生率增加有关。据报道,奥氮平是急性胰腺炎的危险因素。由于几乎立即的致死结果,Naranjo概率量表不适用。结论:多元药房增加了各种不良反应的风险。应定期监测帕罗西汀和许多抗精神病药的不良反应,例如低钠血症和高血糖症,以防止并发症。奥氮平在急性胰腺炎病因中的作用尚待评估。



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