首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cancer =: Journal International du Cancer >Physical activity from menarche to first pregnancy and risk of breast cancer

Physical activity from menarche to first pregnancy and risk of breast cancer


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Breast tissue is particularly susceptible to exposures between menarche and first pregnancy, and a longer interval between these reproductive events is associated with elevated breast cancer risk. Physical activity during this time period may offset breast cancer risk, particularly for those at highest risk with longer menarche-to-first-pregnancy intervals. We used data from 65,576 parous women in the Nurses' Health Study II free of cancer in 1989 (baseline) and recalled their leisure-time physical activity at ages 12-34 in 1997. Current activity was collected at baseline and over follow-up. Relative risks (RRs) were estimated using multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression models. Between 1989 and 2011, 2,069 invasive breast cancer cases were identified. Total recreational activity between menarche and first pregnancy was not significantly associated with the risk of breast cancer. However, physical activity between menarche and first pregnancy was associated with significantly lower breast cancer risk among women in the highest category of a menarche-to first-pregnancy interval (>= 20 years; RR for the highest versus the lowest quartile=0.73, 95% confidence interval=0.55-0.97; P-trend=0.045; P-interaction=0.048). This was not observed in women with a shorter interval. Physical activity between menarche and first pregnancy was associated with a lower risk of breast cancer among women with at least 20 years between these reproductive events. This may provide a modifiable factor that women can intervene on to mitigate their breast cancer risk associated with a longer interval.
机译:乳房组织在初潮和初次怀孕之间特别容易暴露,并且这些生殖事件之间的间隔较长与乳腺癌风险增加有关。在此期间进行体育锻炼可能抵消了患乳腺癌的风险,特别是对于初潮到首次怀孕间隔较长的高风险人群。我们使用了1989年无癌症的护士健康研究II(基线)中65576名产妇的数据(基线),并回顾了1997年她们在12-34岁时的休闲时间身体活动。目前的活动是在基线及后续随访中收集的。使用多变量Cox比例风险回归模型估计相对风险(RRs)。在1989年至2011年之间,共发现了2,069例浸润性乳腺癌病例。在初潮和第一次怀孕之间的总娱乐活动与患乳腺癌的风险没有显着相关。但是,在初潮至初次怀孕间隔最高的类别(> = 20年;最高四分位数与最低四分位数的RR = 0.73、95)之间,初潮与首次怀孕之间的体育活动与女性患乳腺癌的风险显着降低有关。 %置信区间= 0.55-0.97; P趋势= 0.045; P交互作用= 0.048)。在间隔较短的女性中未观察到这一点。初潮和初次怀孕之间的体育活动与这些生殖活动之间至少有20年的女性患乳腺癌的风险较低。这可以提供一个可修改的因素,女性可以进行干预以减轻与较长时间间隔相关的乳腺癌风险。



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