首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cancer =: Journal International du Cancer >Melanoma incidence trends and survival in adolescents and young adults in Queensland, Australia

Melanoma incidence trends and survival in adolescents and young adults in Queensland, Australia


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Cutaneous melanoma is a relatively common cancer in adolescents and young adults in Australia, but detailed Information about occurrence patterns and prognosis is limited. We evaluated incidence trends from 1982 to 2010 and recent survival rates in those aged 15-24 years in the state of Queensland. In situ and invasive melanoma cases were identified from the Queensland Cancer Registry. Incidence rates were age-standardised to the 2000 World population and trends calculated using joinpoint regression. Five-year relative survival was estimated by the period method and Poisson models were used to produce adjusted mortality hazard ratios. Average annual incidence rates for the 5-year period 2006-2010 were 6.3 per 100,000 [95% confidence interval (Ci) 5.4, 7.2] for in situ and 10.1 per 100,000 (95% CI 9.0,11.3) for invasive melanoma. Since the mid-1990s, incidence rates for in situ melanomas have been stabilizing while invasive melanoma has decreased in both sexes, mainly owing to declining rates of thin tumours (<1 mm) (-5.4% per year, 95% CI -8.3%, -2.4%). incidence rates of melanomas >1 mm in thickness have remained relatively unchanged since 1991 however. In the period 2006-2010, relative 5-year survival of 15-24 year olds with Invasive melanoma was 95.7% (95% CI 92.9%, 97.5%). The subgroup with tumours >1 mm was nearly six times more likely to die within 5 years than those with thin tumours (adjusted hazard ratio = 5.53, 95% CS 1.72,17.80). Incidence of thin melanoma In young people in Queensland is declining, suggesting benefits of primary prevention efforts are being realised.
机译:皮肤黑素瘤在澳大利亚的青少年和年轻人中是一种相对常见的癌症,但有关发生方式和预后的详细信息有限。我们评估了1982年至2010年的发病率趋势以及昆士兰州15-24岁年龄段的近期生存率。从昆士兰州癌症登记处确定了原位和浸润性黑色素瘤病例。将发病率按2000年世界人口年龄标准化,并使用加入点回归法计算趋势。通过周期法估算了五年相对存活率,并使用泊松模型产生了调整后的死亡危险比。 2006年至2010年这5年期间的平均年发病率为原位癌为6.3 / 10万[95%置信区间(Ci)5.4,7.2],浸润性黑色素瘤为100.1 / 10万(95%CI 9.0,11.3)。自1990年代中期以来,男女原位黑色素瘤的发病率一直稳定,而侵袭性黑色素瘤的发病率却有所下降,这主要是由于薄肿瘤(<1 mm)的下降(每年-5.4%,95%CI -8.3% ,-2.4%)。自1991年以来,厚度大于1毫米的黑素瘤的发病率一直保持相对不变。在2006-2010年期间,具有侵袭性黑色素瘤的15-24岁年龄段儿童的相对5年存活率为95.7%(95%CI为92.9%,97.5%)。肿瘤大于1毫米的亚组在5年内死亡的可能性是肿瘤较薄的亚组的近六倍(调整后的危险比= 5.53,95%CS 1.72,17.80)。稀薄的黑色素瘤的发病率在昆士兰州的年轻人中正在下降,这表明一级预防工作正在取得收益。



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