首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cancer =: Journal International du Cancer >How many cervical cancers are prevented by treatment of screen-detected disease in young women?

How many cervical cancers are prevented by treatment of screen-detected disease in young women?


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Others have argued that as many as a third of women treated for high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) would have developed cervical cancer in the absence of screening and treatment. Under various assumptions and using past data on CIN grade 3 (CIN3) registrations in England and Scotland, we estimate what cervical cancer rates would have been in the absence of screening. Data on registrations of cervical carcinoma in situ for England and Scotland were used to project the additional numbers of invasive cervical cancers that would have resulted had the carcinoma in situ not been treated. We compare the resulting cervical cancer rates (under different models) with rates recorded in Cancer Incidence in 5 Continents. In order for the projected rates in England and Scotland at ages 20-24 not to be exceptionally high compared to maximum recorded rates for each registry in Cancer Incidence in 5 Continents, the progression rate from CIN3 to invasive cancer in women aged 20-24 should not exceed 1% per year. Similar progression rates were reasonable for women aged 25-29. Under the previously accepted assumption of 4.33% progression per year, cervical cancer rates in women aged 20-29 in both England and Scotland would have been 2-5 times greater than any observed rate (other than one registry, based on just 4 cases). From this analysis, at most 1.5% of women treated (equivalent to 3% of CIN3 registrations) would have had cancer by age 25, whereas it is reasonable to assume that over half of them would have regressed by age 25.
机译:其他人则认为,在不进行筛查和治疗的情况下,多达三分之一接受高级别宫颈上皮内瘤变(CIN)治疗的妇女会患上宫颈癌。根据各种假设,并使用英格兰和苏格兰有关CIN 3级(CIN3)注册的以往数据,我们估计在不进行筛查的情况下子宫颈癌的发生率。使用英格兰和苏格兰的子宫颈癌原位登记数据来预测如果不治疗原位癌会导致的浸润性子宫颈癌数量增加。我们将所产生的子宫颈癌发病率(在不同模型下)与5个洲的癌症发病率中记录的比率进行比较。为了使英格兰和苏格兰的20-24岁年龄段的预计发病率与5个洲的每个癌症登记处的最高登记率相比不算过高,应将20-24岁女性从CIN3到浸润性癌症的进展率每年不超过1%。对于25-29岁的女性,类似的进展率是合理的。根据先前公认的每年进展4.33%的假设,英格兰和苏格兰的20-29岁女性子宫颈癌的发病率将比任何观察到的发病率高2-5倍(一个登记处除外,仅基于4例) 。根据该分析,到25岁时,接受治疗的女性中最多1.5%(相当于CIN3注册的3%)会患癌症,而合理地假设其中一半以上的女性会在25岁时患癌症。



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