首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cancer =: Journal International du Cancer >Comparative performance of novel self-sampling methods, in detecting high-risk human papillomaviras jn_30,130 women not attending cervical screening

Comparative performance of novel self-sampling methods, in detecting high-risk human papillomaviras jn_30,130 women not attending cervical screening


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We determined whether the participation rate for a brush-based cervicovaginal self-sampling device is noninferior to the participation rate for a lavage-based one for testing for hrHPV (high-risk human papillomavirus). Additionally, positivity rates for hrHPV, the detection rates for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grades 2 and 3 or worse (CIN2+/3+), and user comfort were compared. A total of 35,477 non-responders of the regular cervical screening program aged 33-63 years were invited to participate. Eligible women (n = 30,130) were randomly assigned to receive either a brush-based or a lavage-based device, and a questionnaire for reporting user convenience. Self-sampling responders testing hrHPV-positive were invited for a physician-taken sample for cytology; triage-positive women were referred for colposcopy. A total of 5,218 women participated in the brush-based sampling group (34.6%) and 4809 women in the lavage-based group (31.9%), i.e. an absolute difference of 2.7% (95%CS 1.8-4.2). The hrHPV-positivity rates in the two groups were identical (8.3%, relative risk (RR) 0.99, 95%CI 0.87-1.13). The detection of C1N2+ and CiN3 + in the brush group (2.0% for C1N2+; 1.3% for CIN3+) was similar to that in the lavage group (1.9% for CIN2+; 1.0% for C1N3+) with a cumulative RR of 1.01, 95%C1 0.83-1.24 for CIN24- and 1.25, 95%CI 0.92-1.70 for GN3+. The two self-sampling devices performed similarly in user comfort, in conclusion, offering a brush-based device to non-responders is noninferior to offering a lavage-based device in terms of participation. The two self-sampling methods are equally effective in detecting hrHPV, CIN2+/C1N3+ and are both well accepted.
机译:我们确定了基于刷子的宫颈阴道自采样设备的参与率是否不低于基于洗发液的hrHPV(高危人类乳头瘤病毒)测试的参与率。此外,还对hrHPV的阳性率,宫颈上皮内瘤变2级和3级或更差(CIN2 + / 3 +)的检测率以及用户的舒适度进行了比较。总计35,477名33-63岁的常规宫颈癌筛查计划无反应者被邀请参加。符合条件的妇女(n = 30,130)被随机分配接受基于刷子或灌洗的设备,以及用于报告用户便利性的问卷。邀请hrHPV阳性的自我采样应答者作为医生的细胞学样本。分流阳性的妇女被转诊接受阴道镜检查。总共有5218名妇女参加了基于刷子的抽样组(34.6%),有4809名妇女参加了基于灌洗的组(31.9%),即绝对差异为2.7%(95%CS 1.8-4.2)。两组的hrHPV阳性率相同(8.3%,相对危险度(RR)0.99,95%CI 0.87-1.13)。刷子组中C1N2 +和CiN3 +的检出率(C1N2 +为2.0%; CIN3 +为1.3%)与灌洗组(CIN2 +为1.9%; C1N3 +为1.0%)相似,累积RR为1.01,95% CIN24-和1.25的C1为0.83-1.24,GN3 +为95%CI 0.92-1.70。总之,两个自采样设备在用户舒适度方面的表现相似,总的来说,向无响应者提供基于画笔的设备在参与性方面不亚于提供基于灌洗的设备。两种自采样方法在检测hrHPV,CIN2 + / C1N3 +方面同样有效,并且都广为接受。



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