首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cancer =: Journal International du Cancer >Spindle cells from acquired immune deficiency syndrome-associated Kaposi's sarcoma lesions express telomerase activity directly relating to the RNA levels of fibroblast growth factor-2.

Spindle cells from acquired immune deficiency syndrome-associated Kaposi's sarcoma lesions express telomerase activity directly relating to the RNA levels of fibroblast growth factor-2.


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Falchetti et at had previously reported in this journal1 that when human endothelial cells (EC) are transplanted in mice together with human brain tumour cells, they survive and contribute to new blood vessel formation (angiogenesis). Noteworthy, these effects are increased when EC are engineered to over-express telo-merase,1 a ribonucleoprotein complex that ensures chromosome stability by maintaining the length of chromosome ends (the telo-meres) constant.2 In view of the fact that angiogenesis is required to nourish a growing tumour,3 the article by Falchetti et al1 highlighted a mechanism for cancer progression.
机译:Falchetti等人先前在该杂志上报道过1,当将人类内皮细胞(EC)与人类脑肿瘤细胞一起移植到小鼠中时,它们可以存活并有助于新血管的形成(血管生成)。值得注意的是,当EC被设计成过表达端粒聚合酶1时,这些作用会增强。端粒融合酶1是一种核糖核蛋白复合物,可通过保持染色体末端(端粒)的长度恒定来确保染色体的稳定性。2 Falchetti等[1]的文章强调了肿瘤生长的机制。



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