首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Biometeorology: Journal of the International Society of Biometeorology >West-east contrast of phenology and climate in northern Asia revealed using a remotely sensed vegetation index

West-east contrast of phenology and climate in northern Asia revealed using a remotely sensed vegetation index


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The phenology of the vegetation covering north Asia (mainly Siberia) and its spatial characterstics were investigated using remotely sensed normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data. The analysis used the weekly averaged NDVI over 5 years (1987-1991) using the second-generation weekly global vegetation index dataset (0.144degreesx 0.144degrees spatial resolution). In the seasonal NDVI cycle, three phenological events were defined for each pixel: green-up week (NDVI exceeds 0.2), maximum week, and senescence week (NDVI drops below 0.2). Generally there was a west-early/east-late gradient in the three events in north Asia. In the zonal transect between 45degrees and 50degreesN, the timing of green-up, maximum, and senescence near 60degreesE (Kazakh) was about 3.4, 8.7, and 13.4 weeks earlier than near 110degreesE (Mongolia) respectively. It has been suggested that vegetation near Kazakh only flourishes during a short period when water from snow melt is available from late spring to early summer. In Mongolia, abundant water is available for the vegetation, even in midsummer, because of precipitation. In the 50-60degreesN zonal transect, the green-up and maximum near 40degreesE were about 3.8 and 3.9 weeks earlier than near 115degreesE, respectively. As for the week of senescence, there was no clear west-east trend. This west-to-east phenological gradient was related to the weekly cumulative temperature (over 0 degreesC). Weeks in which the cumalative temperature exceeded 40 degreesC and 140 degreesC had a similar west-east distribution to green-up and maximum NDVI.
机译:利用遥感归一化差异植被指数(NDVI)数据研究了覆盖北亚(主要是西伯利亚)的植被物候及其空间特征。该分析使用第二代每周全球植被指数数据集(0.144度x 0.144度空间分辨率)五年内(1987-1991年)的每周平均NDVI。在季节性NDVI周期中,每个像素定义了三个物候事件:绿化周(NDVI超过0.2),最大周和衰老周(NDVI降至0.2以下)。总体而言,北亚的这三个事件具有西-早期/东-后期梯度。在北纬45度到50度之间的区域中,接近60度E(哈萨克斯坦)的绿化,最大和衰老的时间分别比110度E(蒙古)快了3.4、8.7和13.4周。有人提出,哈萨克附近的植被仅在春季末至初夏有积雪融化的水时才在很短的时期内茂盛。在蒙古,由于降水,即使在仲夏,也可为植被提供充足的水。在50-60°N的纬向样带中,绿化和40°E附近的最大值比11​​5°E附近分别早了3.8周和3.9周。至于衰老的一周,没有明显的东西向趋势。这种从西到东的物候梯度与每周累积温度(超过0摄氏度)有关。累计温度超过40摄氏度和140摄氏度的几周,东西向的分布与绿化和最大NDVI相似。



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