首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Biometeorology: Journal of the International Society of Biometeorology >No covariation between the geomagnetic activity and the incidence of acute myocardial infarction in the polar area of northern Sweden

No covariation between the geomagnetic activity and the incidence of acute myocardial infarction in the polar area of northern Sweden


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This study was undertaken to investigate whether there was any relation between the aurora borealis (measured as the geomagnetic activity) and the number of acute myocardial infarctions (AMI) in the northern, partly polar, area of Sweden. The AMI cases were collected from The Northern Sweden MONICA (multinational MONItoring of trends and determinants of CArdiovascular disease) AMI registry between 1985 and 1998, inclusive, and the information on the geomagnetic activity from continuous measurements at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Kiruna. In the analyses, both the relation between the individual AMI case and ambient geomagnetic activity, and the relation between the mean daily K index and the daily number of AMI cases were tested. We found no statistically significant relation between the number of fatal or non-fatal AMI cases, the number of sudden deaths or the number of patients with chest pain without myocardial damage, and geomagnetic activity. Our data do not support a relation between the geomagnetic activity and AMI. [References: 24]
机译:进行这项研究的目的是调查瑞典北部(部分为极地)地区的北极光(以地磁活动衡量)与急性心肌梗塞(AMI)数量之间是否存在任何关系。 AMI病例收集自1985年至1998年(含)的北瑞典MONICA(跨国监测和确定心血管疾病的趋势)AMI登记册,地磁活动的信息来自瑞典基律纳空间物理研究所的连续测量。在分析中,检验了单个AMI病例与周围地磁活动之间的关系,以及平均每日K指数与AMI病例每日数目之间的关系。我们发现致命性或非致命性AMI病例数,猝死人数或无心肌损害的胸痛患者人数与地磁活动之间无统计学意义的相关性。我们的数据不支持地磁活动与AMI之间的关系。 [参考:24]



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