首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cancer =: Journal International du Cancer >WCRF/AICR recommendation adherence and breast cancer incidence among postmenopausal women with and without non-modifiable risk factors

WCRF/AICR recommendation adherence and breast cancer incidence among postmenopausal women with and without non-modifiable risk factors

机译:WCRF / AICR建议在有和没有不可改变的危险因素的绝经后妇女中依从性和乳腺癌发生率

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Taller height, family history of breast cancer, greater number of years of potential fertility and nulliparity are established non-modifiable risk factors for postmenopausal breast cancer. Greater adherence to the World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research (WCRF/AICR) diet, physical activity and body weight recommendations has previously been shown to be associated with lower breast cancer risk. However, no prior studies have evaluated whether women with non-modifiable risk factors receive similar benefits from recommendation adherence compared to women without these risk factors. In the Iowa Women's Health Study prospective cohort, we investigated whether associations of WCRF/AICR recommendation adherence differed by the presence/absence of non-modifiable breast cancer risk factors. Baseline (1986) questionnaire data from 36,626 postmenopausal women were used to create adherence scores for the WCRF/AICR recommendations (maximum score = 8.0). Overall and single recommendation adherence in relation to breast cancer risk (n = 3,189 cases) across levels of non-modifiable risk factors were evaluated using proportional hazards regression. Mean adherence score was 5.0 points (range: 0.5-8.0). Higher adherence scores (score >= 6.0 vs. <= 3.5, HR = 0.76, 95% CI = 0.67-0.87), and adherence to the individual recommendations for body weight and alcohol intake were associated with a lower breast cancer incidence. While not statistically significant among women with more non-modifiable risk factors (score >= 6.0 vs. <= 3.5, HR = 0.76, 95% CI = 0.36-1.63), hazard ratios were comparable to women with the no non-modifiable risk factors (score >= 6.0 vs. <= 3.5, HR 5 0.74, 95% CI = 0.49-0.93) (p-interaction = 0.57). WCRF/AICR recommendation adherence is associated with lower breast cancer risk, regardless of non-modifiable risk factor status.
机译:身高较高,乳腺癌的家族病史,潜在生育力和无效性的年限增加是绝经后乳腺癌不可改变的危险因素。先前已证明,更好地遵守世界癌症研究基金/美国癌症研究所(WCRF / AICR)的饮食,身体活动和体重建议与降低乳腺癌风险有关。但是,没有任何先前的研究评估过具有不可改变的危险因素的女性与没有这些危险因素的女性相比,是否从推荐坚持中获得了类似的好处。在爱荷华州妇女健康研究的前瞻性队列中,我们调查了WCRF / AICR建议依从性的相关性是否因不可修改的乳腺癌危险因素的存在/不存在而有所不同。使用来自36,626名绝经后妇女的基线(1986年)调查表数据来创建WCRF / AICR建议的坚持评分(最高评分= 8.0)。使用比例风险回归评估了在不可修改的危险因素水平上与乳腺癌风险(n = 3,189例)相关的总体推荐和单一推荐的依从性。平均依从性得分为5.0分(范围:0.5-8.0)。较高的依从性评分(得分> = 6.0相对于<= 3.5,HR = 0.76,95%CI = 0.67-0.87),坚持个人推荐的体重和饮酒量与较低的乳腺癌发生率相关。尽管在具有不可更改风险因素的女性中(评分> = 6.0 vs. <= 3.5,HR = 0.76,95%CI = 0.36-1.63)在统计学上不显着,但是危险比与没有不可更改风险的女性相当系数(得分> = 6.0与<= 3.5,HR 5 0.74,95%CI = 0.49-0.93)(p-interaction = 0.57)。 WCRF / AICR建议依从性与较低的乳腺癌风险相关,而与不可改变的风险因素状态无关。



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