首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cancer =: Journal International du Cancer >Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the risk of nonmelanoma skin cancer

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and the risk of nonmelanoma skin cancer


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Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have been assigned a promising role in the chemoprevention of various malignancies. However, epidemiological data on the association between NSAID use and nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) are limited. To explore whether patients regularly exposed to systemic NSAIDs are at a reduced risk of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) or squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), we conducted a population-based case-control analysis using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink, a United Kingdom primary care database. We identified 65,398 patients with incident BCC and 7,864 patients with incident SCC diagnosed between 1995 and 2013 and matched 1 and 4 NMSC-free controls to each BCC and SCC case, respectively, on age, sex, general practice, calendar time and years of history in the database. We compared prior NSAID exposure between cases and controls using multivariate conditional logistic regression analyses controlling for several potential confounders. Overall, we found no association between NSAID use and BCC, but when looking exclusively at users of single NSAID substances there was a suggestion of a reduced BCC risk in regular users of aspirin and ibuprofen (adjusted odds ratio [adj. OR]: 0.92, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.85-0.99 and adj. OR: 0.61, 95% CI: 0.48-0.78, respectively). The risk of SCC was slightly decreased in regular users of any NSAIDs (adj. OR: 0.89, 95% CI: 0.82-0.97), with the strongest risk reduction observed in current users of coxibs (adj. OR: 0.77, 95% CI: 0.62-0.95). These findings provide evidence that patients predisposed to NMSC might benefit from chemoprevention with NSAIDs.
机译:非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDs)在各种恶性肿瘤的化学预防中已被赋予了有希望的作用。但是,关于NSAID使用与非黑素瘤皮肤癌(NMSC)之间关联的流行病学数据有限。为了探讨定期暴露于全身性NSAID的患者是否患基底细胞癌(BCC)或鳞状细胞癌(SCC)的风险降低,我们使用英国主要临床实践研究数据链(Clinical Practice Research Datalink)进行了基于人群的病例对照分析护理数据库。我们确定了1995年至2013年之间确诊的65,398例BCC突发事件患者和7,864例SCC突发事件患者,并根据年龄,性别,一般实践,日历时间和病历分别对每个BCC和SCC病例匹配了1和4个无NMSC的对照在数据库中。我们使用控制多个潜在混杂因素的多条件条件逻辑回归分析比较了病例和对照之间先前的NSAID暴露。总体而言,我们发现NSAID的使用与BCC之间没有关联,但是,仅考虑单一NSAID物质的使用者时,建议阿司匹林和布洛芬的常规使用者降低BCC风险(调整后的优势比[adj。OR]:0.92, 95%置信区间[CI]:0.85-0.99和调整后的OR:0.61,95%CI:0.48-0.78)。常规使用任何NSAID的使用者中SCC的风险均略有降低(调整为:0.89,95%CI:0.82-0.97),而目前使用昔布类药物的风险降低幅度最大(调整为:0.77,95%CI :0.62-0.95)。这些发现提供了证据,表明易患NMSC的患者可能会受益于NSAID的化学预防。



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