首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Cancer =: Journal International du Cancer >Distribution of human papillomavirus types in cervical cancers in Hong Kong: current situation and changes over the last decades.

Distribution of human papillomavirus types in cervical cancers in Hong Kong: current situation and changes over the last decades.


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Human papillomavirus (HPV) type distribution among cervical cancers and its possible changes over time are key issues that determine the cost-effectiveness of HPV vaccines. Cervical cancers diagnosed during 3 periods (1997-2007, N = 280; 1984-1986, N = 74; 1972-1973, N = 81) in Hong Kong were examined for HPV type distribution using sensitive broad-catching methods. The results showed a variation in HPV distribution between histological groups. Among cervical squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cases diagnosed over the past 10 years, HPV16 was most commonly found (61.2%), followed by HPV18 (17.7%), HPV52 (14.7%) and HPV58 (9.9%), whereas adeno/adenosquamous cell carcinoma was dominated by HPV18 (56.3%) and HPV16 (50.0%). The proportion of HPV16-positive SCC showed a significant linear trend of increase with time (45.2% for 1972-1973, 58.8% for 1984-1986, 61.2% for 1997-2007; p(Trend) = 0.023), whereas HPV52-positive SCC decreased with time (30.1% for 1972-1973; 29.4% for 1984-1986, 14.7% for 1997-2007; p(Trend) = 0.001). Vaccines comprising HPV16/18 cover 62.6% of SCC and 93.8% of adeno/adenosquamous carcinoma in Hong Kong, and inclusion of HPV52 and HPV58 can increase the coverage by 18.4% for SCC and 4.1% for adeno/adenosquamous cell carcinoma. HPV type distribution may change over time. Further investigations to reveal the determinants for such changes and continuous monitoring for possible type replacement as a result of widespread long-term use of HPV vaccines are warranted. Multiple infections are commonly revealed by sensitive broad-catching methods such as those used in this study. However, their implication on vaccine efficacy and cost-effective analyses should be taken cautiously.
机译:宫颈癌中人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)类型的分布及其随时间的变化是决定HPV疫苗成本效益的关键问题。在香港的3个时期(1997-2007,N = 280; 1984-1986,N = 74; 1972-1973,N = 81)中诊断出的宫颈癌使用敏感的广泛捕获方法进行了HPV类型分布检查。结果显示组织学组之间HPV分布存在差异。在过去十年中诊断出的宫颈鳞状细胞癌(SCC)病例中,最常见的是HPV16(61.2%),其次是HPV18(17.7%),HPV52(14.7%)和HPV58(9.9%),而腺/腺鳞癌细胞癌以HPV18(56.3%)和HPV16(50.0%)为主。 HPV16阳性SCC的比例随时间呈显着线性增长趋势(1972-1973年为45.2%,1984-1986年为58.8%,1997-2007年为61.2%; p(趋势)= 0.023),而HPV52阳性SCC随时间下降(1972-1973年为30.1%; 1984-1986年为29.4%,1997-2007年为14.7%; p(趋势)= 0.001)。包含HPV16 / 18的疫苗在香港覆盖了62.6%的SCC和93.8%的腺/腺鳞癌,并且包含HPV52和HPV58可使SCC的覆盖率增加18.4%,腺/腺鳞癌的覆盖率增加4.1%。 HPV类型分布可能会随时间变化。需进行进一步研究以揭示决定因素的改变,并持续监测由于长期广泛使用HPV疫苗而可能引起的类型替代。通常通过敏感的广泛捕获方法(如本研究中使用的方法)揭示多种感染。但是,应谨慎考虑它们对疫苗功效和成本效益分析的影响。



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