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Rice consumption and cancer incidence in US men and women


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While both the 2012 and 2014 Consumer Reports concerned arsenic levels in US rice, no previous study has evaluated long-term consumption of total rice, white rice and brown rice in relation to risk of developing cancers. We investigated this in the female Nurses' Health Study (1984-2010), and Nurses' Health Study II (1989-2009), and the male Health Professionals Follow-up Study (1986-2008), which included a total of 45,231 men and 160,408 women, free of cancer at baseline. Validated food frequency questionnaires were used to measure rice consumption at baseline and repeated almost every 4 years thereafter. We employed Cox proportional hazards regression model to estimate multivariable relative risks (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs). During up to 26 years of follow-up, we documented 31,655 incident cancer cases (10,833 in men and 20,822 in women). Age-adjusted results were similar to multivariable-adjusted results. Compared to participants with less than one serving per week, the multivariable RRs of overall cancer for individuals who ate at least five servings per week were 0.97 for total rice (95% CI: 0.85-1.07), 0.87 for white rice (95% CI: 0.75-1.01), and 1.17 for brown rice (95% CI: 0.90-1.26). Similar non-significant associations were observed for specific sites of cancers including prostate, breast, colon and rectum, melanoma, bladder, kidney, and lung. Additionally, the null associations were observed among European Americans and non-smokers, and were not modified by BMI. Long-term consumption of total rice, white rice or brown rice was not associated with risk of developing cancer in US men and women.
机译:尽管《 2012年和2014年消费者报告》均关注美国大米中的砷含量,但之前没有研究评估长期食用大米,白米和糙米的总摄入量与患癌风险的关系。我们在女性护士健康研究(1984-2010),护士健康研究II(1989-2009)和男性健康专业人员跟进研究(1986-2008)中对此进行了调查,其中包括45,231名男性160,408名女性,基线时没有癌症。经过验证的食物频率调查问卷用于测量基线时的大米消耗量,此后几乎每4年重复一次。我们采用Cox比例风险回归模型来估计多变量相对风险(RRs)和95%置信区间(95%CI)。在长达26年的随访中,我们记录了31,655例癌症事件(男性10,833例,女性20,822例)。年龄调整后的结果类似于多变量调整后的结果。与每周少于一餐的参与者相比,每周至少吃五餐的个体的总癌症多变量RR为总稻米为0.97(95%CI:0.85-1.07),白米为0.87(95%CI) :0.75-1.01),糙米为1.17(95%CI:0.90-1.26)。对于包括前列腺癌,乳腺癌,结肠癌和直肠癌,黑素瘤,膀胱癌,肾癌和肺癌在内的特定癌症部位,也观察到了相似的非显着关联。此外,在欧洲裔美国人和非吸烟者中观察到零关联,并且没有被BMI修改。长期食用全米,白米或糙米与美国男性和女性患癌症的风险无关。



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