首页> 外文期刊>Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture >Effect of timing of forage conservation on forage yield and quality, seed yield and seedling regeneration of four subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) cultivars

Effect of timing of forage conservation on forage yield and quality, seed yield and seedling regeneration of four subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) cultivars

机译:饲草保护时间对四种地下三叶草(Trifolium subterraneum)品种的牧草产量和品质,种子产量和幼苗再生的影响

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Swards of four cultivars of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) were cut at three different times to determine the effect on forage yield and quality, seed set and seedling regeneration in two successive seasons in southern New South Wales. The four cultivars of subterranean clover (Seaton Park LF, Junee, Goulburn and Clare) were cut on 23-25 September (early cut), 8-10 October (mid cut) or 22-23 October (late cut), to simulate an early silage, late silage or hay cut. Additional treatments imposed included either grazing or leaving the regrowth after cutting and raising the cutting height from 3 to 6 cm. Forage yields ranged from 3.5 to 9.3 t dry matter (DM)/ha in the first year and from 2.0 to 5.9 t DM/ha in the second year. Herbage yield was influenced by both cultivar and harvest time with the highest yields achieved with the mid cut. Lower forage yields at the later cut were attributed to losses due to respiration and decay under dense leaf canopies. Changes in forage quality were consistent across both years, with in vivo DM digestibility declining from 76-79% to 69-70% as cutting time was delayed. Crude protein fell from 22-24% to 14-17% over the same period, depending on cultivar. Seed yields in both years were influenced by both cutting time and cultivar with a positive relationship (R super(2) = 0.45-0.61) between herbage present in late spring after a period of regrowth and subsequent seed yield. The early flowering cultivar Seaton Park LF had the highest seed yield in both years and the more erect cultivar Clare had the lowest. Seed yields declined with later cutting time but increased by an average of 39% when the cutting height was raised from 3 to 6 cm. Seedling regeneration reflected seed yield responses with the largest seedling regeneration occurring in treatments cut early. The study found that forage conservation in early October is likely to yield more and be of higher quality than swards cut later in the season. Seed set is greatly reduced by all cutting strategies to levels unprofitable for seed harvesting but may be adequate for pasture regeneration.
机译:在新南威尔士州南部连续两个季节中,在三个不同的时间切下四个地下三叶草(Trifolium subterraneum L.)的草皮,以确定对草料产量和质量,结实和幼苗再生的影响。分别在9月23日至25日(早期切割),10月8日至10日(中切割)或10月22日至23日(晚期切割)切割地下三叶草的四个品种(Seaton Park LF,June,Goulburn和Clare)。青贮早,青贮晚或干草割。施加的其他处理措施包括在割草后放牧或使再生长并使割草高度从3厘米增加到6厘米。第一年的牧草单产为3.5至9.3吨干物质/公顷,第二年为2.0至5.9吨干物质/公顷。牧草产量受品种和收获时间的影响,中切时最高。后期减产的草料单产降低是由于在茂密的冠层下呼吸和腐烂造成的损失。两年间草料质量的变化是一致的,由于延迟切割时间,体内的DM消化率从76-79%下降到69-70%。同期,粗蛋白从22-24%下降至14-17%,具体取决于品种。这两个年份的种子产量都受到切割时间和品种的影响,在一定的再生长后春末存在的牧草与随后的种子产量之间具有正相关关系(R super(2)= 0.45-0.61)。在这两年中,早花品种Seaton Park LF的种子产量最高,而直立品种Clare的种子产量最低。种子的产量随着切割时间的延长而下降,但是当切割高度从3厘米增加到6厘米时,平均产量增加了39%。幼苗再生反映了种子产量的响应,在早期切割的处理中发生的幼苗再生最大。研究发现,与本季节后期切开的草皮相比,10月初的草料保存可能产量更高,质量更高。所有割种策略都大大降低了结实种子的水平,使种子收成无利可图,但可能足以恢复牧草。



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