首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics >Weibull Quasi Lindley Distribution and its Statistical Properties with Applications to Lifetime Data

Weibull Quasi Lindley Distribution and its Statistical Properties with Applications to Lifetime Data


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In this article, a new four-parameter lifetime model named the Weibull quasi Lindley distribution based on the Weibull G-family is introduced. It is more flexible than several recently introduced lifetime distributions. Various structural properties of the new distribution are derived including moments, moment generating function, quantile function, reliability, hazard rate function and mean residual life. Expressions for the R'enyi, q-entropies and density function of order statistics are also obtained. The model parameters are estimated by the method of maximum likelihood and the observed information matrix is determined. Two real data sets are presented to illustrate the advantage of the new distribution. In fact, the new model provides a better fit to this data than some of the most important distributions.
机译:本文介绍了一种新的基于Weibull G族的四参数寿命模型,称为Weibull准Lindley分布。它比最近引入的几种寿命分布更灵活。得出了新分布的各种结构特性,包括弯矩,弯矩生成函数,分位数函数,可靠性,危险率函数和平均剩余寿命。还获得了R'enyi,q熵和阶次统计的密度函数的表达式。通过最大似然法估计模型参数,并确定观察到的信息矩阵。给出了两个实际数据集,以说明新发行版的优势。实际上,新模型比某些最重要的分布更适合此数据。



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