首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics >Three Phase M/G/1 queue with Bernoulli Feedback and Multiple server vacation

Three Phase M/G/1 queue with Bernoulli Feedback and Multiple server vacation

机译:具有伯努利反馈和多服务器休假的三相M / G / 1队列

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In this paper, a three phase M/G/1 queueing system with Bernoulli feedback where the server takes multiple vacation is considered. All the poisson arrivals with mean arrival rate demand first essential service. Only some of them demand second optional service or third optional service. The service times of the first essential service are assumed to follow a general distribution B_1(v), the second optional service and the third optional service with general distribution with distribution function B_2(v) and B_3(v) respectively. After the completion of the first service or second service or third service, if the customer is dissatisfied he can join the tail of the queue for receiving another regular service with probability p. Otherwise the customer may depart from the system with the probability q = 1-p. If there is no customer in the queue, then the server can go for vacation and vacation periods are exponentially distributed with mean vacation time 1/γ. On returning from vacation, if the server again founds no customer waiting in the queue, then it again goes for vacation. The server continues to go for vacation until he finds at least one customer in the system. We find the time dependent probability generating function in terms of Laplace transforms and derive explicitly the corresponding steady state results. Moreover we find explicit expressions for the mean queue length and mean waiting time.
机译:在本文中,考虑了具有Bernoulli反馈的三相M / G / 1排队系统,其中服务器需要多次休假。所有具有平均到达率的泊松降临首先需要基本服务。其中只有一些需要第二可选服务或第三可选服务。假定第一基本服务的服务时间服从总分布B_1(v),第二可选服务和第三可选服务,并分别具有分布函数B_2(v)和B_3(v)。在完成第一项服务或第二项服务或第三项服务之后,如果客户不满意,他可以加入队列的尾部以概率p接收另一项常规服务。否则,客户可能以q = 1-p的概率离开系统。如果队列中没有客户,则服务器可以休假,休假时间以平均休假时间1 /γ指数分布。从休假返回时,如果服务器再次发现队列中没有客户在等待,则它将再次休假。服务器继续休假,直到他在系统中找到至少一个客户为止。我们根据拉普拉斯变换找到了与时间有关的概率生成函数,并明确导出了相应的稳态结果。此外,我们找到了平均队列长度和平均等待时间的显式表达式。



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