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Exhumation of the Dabie UHP Terrane, China


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Exhumation of deeply buried ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terranes remains a puzzle in understanding lithospheric dynamic process. New evidence that constrains the exhumation process of the Dabie UHP terrane includes the following. (1) Structural data record the architecture of the Dabie UHP terrane. Three slices are recognized -- i.e., from top to bottom, the Susong blueschisl slice, the Huangzhen-Huangweihe (HH) HP slice, and the Jinheqiao-Shuanghe-Bixiling (JSB) UHP slice. These slices have been stacked and domed. (2) Geophysical data depict two offsets in the Moho. Offset-I separates the Dabie UHP terrane from the North China craton, and has served as a subduc-tion channel, as well as an exhumation channel. Offset-II, separating the Dabie UHP terrane from the foreland belt, developed due to geodynamic regime reorganization. (3) Geochronological data reveal that the HP slice was exhumed earlier that the UHP slice. A northward-younging exhumation polarity is implied, with younger exhumation age closer to the exhumation channel. These pieces of evidence point to a multistage exhumation process. The Yangtze craton collided with and subducted beneath the North China craton at the very beginning of Triassic time. By 230 Ma, the Susong blueschist slice and the southern end of the HH HP slice had arrived at a middle-crustal level, while its northern part was still at mantle depth. Such processes continued until the JSB UHP slice was exhumed to mid-crustal levels at 210 Ma. After geodynamic regime reorganization during 210-180 Ma, continuing compression of the Yangtze craton and underthrusting along offset-II in the Moho caused the dome structure, and eventually brought the UHP rocks to the Earth's surface.
机译:挖掘深埋的超高压(UHP)地球是了解岩石圈动力学过程的一个难题。限制大别超高压地层掘尸过程的新证据包括以下内容。 (1)结构数据记录了大别UHP地形的结构。可以识别出三个切片-从上到下分别是Susong blueschisl切片,Huangzhen-Huangweihe(HH)HP切片和Jinheqiao-Shuanghe-Bixiling(JSB)UHP切片。这些切片已堆叠并制成圆顶。 (2)地球物理数据描述了莫霍面中的两个偏移。 Offset-I将大别UHP地貌与华北克拉通分开,并曾作为俯冲通道和掘尸通道。 Offset-II将大别UHP地层与前陆带分隔开来,是由于地球动力学机制的重组而产生的。 (3)年代学数据显示,HP切片早于UHP切片被掘出。暗示着向北的年轻发掘极性,年轻的发掘年龄更接近发掘通道。这些证据表明了多阶段的掘尸过程。在三叠纪开始之初,长江克拉通与华北克拉通发生了碰撞并俯冲。到230 Ma时,苏松blueschist片和HH HP片的南端到达中地壳水平,而其北部仍处于地幔深度。这样的过程一直持续到JSB UHP薄片在210 Ma处被发掘到中地壳水平为止。在210-180 Ma期间对地球动力学体制进行重组之后,长江克拉通的持续压缩和沿莫霍面偏移II的下冲作用导致了穹顶结构,并最终将UHP岩石带到了地球表面。



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