首页> 外文期刊>International Geology Review >Metaultramafic schists and dismembered ophiolites of the Ashe Metamorphic Suite of northwestern North Carolina, USA

Metaultramafic schists and dismembered ophiolites of the Ashe Metamorphic Suite of northwestern North Carolina, USA


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Metaultramafic rocks (MUR) in the Ashe Metamorphic Suite (AMS) of northwestern North Carolina include quartz +/- feldspar-bearing QF-amphibolites and quartz-deficient, locally talc-, chlorite-, and/or Mg-amphibole-bearing TC-amphibolites. Some workers divide TC-amphibolites into Todd and Edmonds types, based on mineral and geochemical differences, and we provisionally add a third type - olivine +/- pyroxene-rich, Rich Mountain-type rocks. Regionally, MUR bodies range from equant, Rich Mountain- to highly elongate, Todd-TC-amphibolite-type bodies. The MURs exhibit three to five mineral associations containing assemblages with olivine, anthophyllitic amphibole, Mg-hornblende, Mg-actinolite, cummingtonite, and serpentine representing decreasing eclogite to greenschist facies grades of metamorphism over time. MUR protoliths are difficult to determine. Southwestern MUR bodies have remnant olivine +/- pyroxene-rich assemblages representing ultrabasic-basic, dunite-peridotite-pyroxenite protoliths. Northeastern TC-amphibolite MURs contain hornblende and actinolitic amphiboles plus chlorites - aluminous and calcic assemblages suggesting to some that metasomatism of basic, QF-amphibolites yields all TC-amphibolites. Yet MgO-CaO-Al2O3 and trace element chemistries of many TC-amphibolites resemble compositions of plagioclase peridotites. We show that a few AMS TC-amphibolites had basaltic/gabbroic protoliths, while presenting arguments opposing application of the metasomatic hypothesis to all TC-amphibolites. We establish that MUR bodies are petrologically heterolithic and that TC-amphibolites are in contact with many rock types; that those with high Cr, Ni, and Mg have olivine- or pyroxene-dominated protoliths; that most exhibit three or more metamorphic mineral associations; and that contacts thought to be metasomatic are structural. Clearly, different MUR bodies have different chemistries representing various protoliths, and have different mineral assemblages, reflecting both chemical composition and metamorphic history. Spot sampling of heterolithic MUR bodies does not reveal MUR body character or history or allow 'type' designations. We recommend that the subdivision of MUR bodies into 'types' be abandoned and that the metasomatic hypothesis be carefully applied. AMS MURs and associated metamafic rocks likely represent fragments of dismembered ophiolites from various ophiolite types.
机译:北卡罗莱纳州西北部的阿什(Ashe)变质组(AMS)中的超火山岩(MUR)包括石英+/-长石的QF闪石和缺乏石英,局部滑石,绿泥石和/或镁的闪石TC-闪石。一些工人根据矿物和地球化学差异将TC闪石分为Todd和Edmonds类型,我们暂时添加了第三种类型-富含橄榄石+/-辉石的Rich Mountain型岩石。从地区上看,MUR体的范围从等同的Rich Mountain型到高度细长的Todd-TC-闪石型体。 MURs表现出三到五个矿物组合,包括与橄榄石,正闪石闪石,Mg-角闪石,Mg-阳起石,cummingtonite和蛇纹石的组合,代表随着时间的推移,榴辉岩逐渐变绿为绿岩相。 MUR原型难以确定。西南部MUR体具有富含橄榄石+/-辉石的组合,这些组合代表了超碱性,榴辉岩-橄榄岩-辉石的原生岩。东北地区的TC-闪石MUR含有角闪石和放线石闪石的闪石以及亚氯酸盐-铝和钙的组合暗示某些基本的QF-闪石的交代会产生所有TC-闪石。然而,许多TC-闪石的MgO-CaO-Al2O3和微量元素的化学性质类似于斜长石橄榄岩的组成。我们表明,少数AMS TC-闪石具有玄武质/辉长岩原石,同时提出了反对将交代假说应用于所有TC-闪石的论点。我们确定,MUR体在岩石学上是异质的,并且TC-闪石与许多类型的岩石接触。铬,镍和镁含量高的那些具有橄榄石或辉石为主的原生石;大多数具有三个或三个以上的变质矿物关联;并且被认为是超目标的接触是结构性的。显然,不同的MUR体具有代表不同原石的不同化学,并且具有不同的矿物组合,反映了化学成分和变质历史。异质MUR体的现场采样不能揭示MUR体的特征或历史,也不能使用“类型”标识。我们建议放弃将MUR实体细分为“类型”,并谨慎应用后代假设。 AMS MUR和相关的变质岩可能代表了来自各种蛇绿岩类型的肢解蛇绿岩的碎片。



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