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Looking at the lessons to be learnt from a dynamic Al situation


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The recent Annual Scientific Conference of the Department of Virology, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Cairo University, supported by the IFT Corporation, focused on the current influenza related poultry health problems inEgypt-The first day addressed avian influenza and centred around four presentations - two each from Dr Giovanni Cattoli and Dr llaria Capua. Compared to 2006 per capita meat consumption in 2020 will be 26% higher and much of this increase will come frompoultry consumption. Therefore, in countries like Egypt, where poultry meat is very popular, it is important to keep flocks healthy and in the coming years more and more consumer pressure will require the meat these flocks produce to be as safe as possible. This will inevitably mean more monitoring or surveillance and this will need to be ever more transparent. In addition, good integrated management, which is online, real time and authoritative, will be used more and more.
机译:在IFT Corporation的支持下,最近在开罗大学兽医系病毒学系举行的年度科学会议重点关注了埃及当前与流感有关的家禽健康问题-第一天针对禽流感,围绕四个主题演讲-两个分别来自Giovanni Cattoli博士和llaria Capua博士。与2006年相比,2020年人均肉类消费量将增长26%,其中大部分增长将来自禽肉消费。因此,在像埃及这样的家禽肉非常受欢迎的国家,保持鸡群健康很重要,并且在未来几年,越来越多的消费者压力将要求这些鸡群生产的肉尽可能安全。这将不可避免地意味着更多的监视或监视,这将需要更加透明。此外,将越来越多地使用在线,实时和权威的良好集成管理。



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