首页> 外文期刊>International Hatchery Practice >Atypical approaches for consistent broiler breeder performance

Atypical approaches for consistent broiler breeder performance


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Broiler breeder management can be a complicated area and one should not expect consistent flock performance to occur by only focusing on one or two variables. When assessing egg production, most people focus on body weights and body weight gains and compare this to a standard body weight curve. This is largely an ineffective technique because pullet body weight is a crude indicator of subsequent hen performance. If it were that simple, over time every flock would follow the same body weight program.Excellent egg production is achieved across a host of body weights; therefore body weight must not be as significant as some experts believe. Simply examining body weights in a best vs. worse egg production comparison is of minimum value. Body weight measurements should be used as a check and balance of the breeder program and has value in two distinct areas. First, birds must have a minimum amount of muscle content at light stimulation and body weight is a means of evaluating this process.



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