首页> 外文期刊>International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation >Shrinkage and fragmentation of marshes in the West Songnen Plain, China, from 1954 to 2008 and its possible causes

Shrinkage and fragmentation of marshes in the West Songnen Plain, China, from 1954 to 2008 and its possible causes


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Agricultural development under climatic variations has resulted in substantial loss of marshes in the West Songnen Plain in the past decades. In this paper, the shrinkage and fragmentation process of marshes and its possible causes in the West Songnen Plain from 1954 to 2008 were explored using historical topographic maps and remote sensing data. Results indicated that the West Songnen Plain underwent considerable shrinkage and fragmentation of marshes in that same period. Marshes occupied 6404km2 in 1954, but this area has decreased by 74% in the past 54 years. The average annual decrease rate of marshes was 88km2 per year. Meanwhile, the number of marsh patches decreased from 1411 to 514, and the mean patch size decreased from 454 to 320 ha. Cropland and salinized wasteland were the two main land use types into which marshes were converted. During the same period, grassland decreased by 54%, cropland increased by 22%, and salinized wasteland expanded by 612%. A significant increase in air temperature and index of dryness was found in the study region, along with decreased precipitation, thereby affecting the marsh systems through the changing hydrological regimes. On the other hand, population, gross domestic product, and livestock number increased considerably as marshes shrank and became fragmented. Governmental policy changes played a key role in land use transformations in the study region.
机译:在过去几十年中,由于气候变化而导致的农业发展导致松嫩西部平原的沼泽地大量丧失。本文利用历史地形图和遥感数据,探讨了1954-2008年西松嫩平原沼泽地的干缩过程及其可能的成因。结果表明,在同一时期,松嫩平原西部经历了相当大的萎缩和沼泽化。 1954年,沼泽地面积达6404平方公里,但在过去54年中,该地区减少了74%。沼泽的年平均减少速度为每年88平方公里。同时,沼泽斑块的数量从1411减少到514,平均斑块大小从454减少到320公顷。耕地和盐碱化的荒地是沼泽地转化成的两种主要土地利用类型。同期,草地减少了54%,耕地增加了22%,盐化荒地增加了612%。在研究区域内,气温和干燥指数显着增加,同时降水减少,从而通过变化的水文状况影响了沼泽系统。另一方面,随着沼泽的萎缩和破碎,人口,国内生产总值和牲畜数量大大增加。政府政策的变化在研究区域的土地用途转变中起着关键作用。



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