首页> 外文期刊>International Geology Review >Channelized fluids in subducted continental crust: constraints from δD-δ~(18)O of quartz and fluid inclusions in quartz veins from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project

Channelized fluids in subducted continental crust: constraints from δD-δ~(18)O of quartz and fluid inclusions in quartz veins from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Project


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Fluid inclusions hosted by quartz veins in high-pressure to ultrahigh-pressure (HP-UHP) metamorphic rocks from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) Project main drillhole have low, varied hydrogen isotopic compositions (δD = -97 per thousand to -69 per thousnad). Quartz δ~(18)O values range from -2.5 per thousand to 9.6 per thousand fluid inclusions hosted in quartz have correspondingly low δ~(18)O values of -11.66 per thousand to 0.93 per thousand (T_h= 171.2~318.8°C). The low δD and δ~(18)O isotopic data indicate that protoliths of some CCSD HP-UHP meta?morphic rocks reacted with meteoric water at high latitude near the surface before being subducted to great depth. In addition, the δ~(18)O of the quartz veins and fluid inclu?sions vary greatly with the drillhole depth. Lower δ~(18)O values occur at depths of -900-1000 m and -2700 m, whereas higher values characterize rocks at depths of about 1770 m and 4000 m, correlating roughly with those of wall-rock minerals. Given that the peak metamorphic temperature of the Dabie-Sulu UHP metamorphic rocks was about 800°C or higher, much higher than the closure temperature of oxygen isotopes in quartz under wet conditions, such synchronous variations can be explained by re-equilibration. In contrast, δD values of fluid inclusions show a different relationship with depth. This is probably because oxygen is a major element of both fluids and sili?cates and is much more abundant in the quartz veins and silicate minerals than is hydro?gen. The oxygen isotope composition of fluid inclusions is evidently more susceptible to late-stage re-equilibration with silicate minerals than is the hydrogen isotope composi?tion. Therefore, different SD and δ~(18)O patterns imply that dramatic fluid migration occurred, whereas the co-variation of oxygen isotopes in fluid inclusions, quartz veins, and wall-rock minerals can be better interpreted by re-equilibration during exhumation. Quartz veins in the Dabie-Sulu UHP metamorphic terrane are the product of high-Si fluids. Given that channelized fluid migration is much faster than pervasive flow, and that the veins formed through precipitation of quartz from high-Si fluids, the abundant veins indicate significant fluid mobilization and migration within this subducted continental slab. Many mineral reactions can produce high-Si fluids. For UHP metamorphic rocks, major dehydration during subduction occurred when pressure—temperature conditions exceeded the stability of lawsonite. In contrast, for low-temperature eclogites and other HP metamorphic rocks with peak metamorphic P-T conditions within the stability field of law?sonite, dehydration and associated high-Si fluid release may have occurred as hydrous min?erals were destabilized at lower pressure during exhumation. Because subduction is a continuous process whereas only a minor fraction of the subducted slabs returns to the sur?face, dehydration during underflow is more prevalent than exhumation even in subducted continental crust, which is considerably drier than altered oceanic crust.
机译:来自中国大陆科学钻探(CCSD)项目主钻孔的高压至超高压(HP-UHP)变质岩中石英脉所蕴含的流体包裹体的氢同位素组成较低且变化多样(δD= -97 /千至-69每thousnad)。石英中的石英δ〜(18)O值范围从-2.5 /千至9.6 /千流体夹杂物具有较低的δ〜(18)O值,即-11.66 /千至0.93 /千(T_h = 171.2〜318.8°C )。较低的δD和δ〜(18)O同位素数据表明,某些CCSD HP-UHP变质岩的原岩与地表附近的高纬度水反应,然后被俯冲至较大深度。另外,石英脉的δ〜(18)O和流体包裹体随钻孔深度的变化而变化很大。较低的δ〜(18)O值出现在-900-1000 m和-2700 m的深度处,而较高的值表示大约1770 m和4000 m处的岩石特征,与围岩矿物大致相关。假设大别-苏鲁UHP变质岩的峰值变质温度约为800°C或更高,远高于潮湿条件下石英中氧同位素的封闭温度,那么这种同步变化可以通过重新平衡来解释。相反,流体包裹体的δD值与深度具有不同的关系。这可能是因为氧气既是流体又是硅酸盐的主要元素,并且在石英脉和硅酸盐矿物中比氢更丰富。显然,流体包裹体的氧同位素组成比氢同位素组成更容易受到硅酸盐矿物的后期再平衡的影响。因此,不同的SD和δ〜(18)O模式暗示发生了剧烈的流体运移,而在掘尸期间通过重新平衡可以更好地解释流体包裹体,石英脉和壁岩矿物中氧同位素的共变。大别-苏鲁UHP变质地层中的石英脉是高硅流体的产物。考虑到通道化流体的迁移要比普遍流动快得多,并且由于高硅流体中石英的沉淀而形成的矿脉,丰富的矿脉表明该俯冲大陆板上有明显的流体动员和迁移。许多矿物反应会产生高硅流体。对于超高压变质岩,当压力-温度条件超过了钙钠铝石的稳定性时,俯冲过程中发生了严重的脱水。相反,对于低温榴辉岩和其他在变质岩稳定范围内具有PT峰值变质PT条件的HP变质岩,脱水过程中含水矿物在较低的压力下可能会失稳,从而发生脱水和相关的高Si流体释放。 。由于俯冲是一个连续的过程,而只有一小部分俯冲板块返回表面,因此即使在俯冲的大陆壳中,下溢过程中的脱水现象也比掘尸更为普遍,这比蚀变的大地壳要干燥得多。



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