首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Applied Engineering Research >Energy Conservation and Energy Theft Detection Using Intelligent Energy Meter in Cloud Computing Environment

Energy Conservation and Energy Theft Detection Using Intelligent Energy Meter in Cloud Computing Environment


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Electricity has become one of the indispensable things in developing and developed countries. It is one of the non-renewable forms of energy which is most convenient and easy to use. There should be proper usage and conservation of electricity in order to make it available to all needful people. So, the proposed model focuses on the energy conservation issue by using the intelligent energy meter concept in a cloud computing environment. In this model, with the help of current transformer (C.T) and potential transformer (P.T), energy theft can be detected and upon detection, meter can be made to shut down without any manual interference. The model consists of two modules, data gathering & processing module and data visualization module. ARM (LPC2148) microcontroller plays a vital role in data gathering & processing module. GSM 900 module, whose uplink and downlink frequency range is 890-915 MHz & 935-960 MHz respectively, is used for communication between two modules of the proposed model. Software as a Service (SaaS) (a service provider in cloud computing) forms the core part of data visualization module. Through web portal and android application (which can be accessed anytime by user in his mobile phone) energy users can know their day to day energy units consumed and amount charged against it. This will help in alerting users about their energy units consumed if their current energy amount is exceeding their personal monthly budget.
机译:电力已成为发展中国家和发达国家不可或缺的东西之一。它是最方便,最易使用的不可再生能源之一。为了使所有有需要的人都能使用,应该正确使用和节约电力。因此,所提出的模型着重于在云计算环境中使用智能电表概念来解决节能问题。在此模型中,借助电流互感器(C.T)和电势互感器(P.T),可以检测到能量盗窃,并且在检测到电流后,可以关闭仪表,而无需任何人工干预。该模型包含两个模块,数据收集和处理模块和数据可视化模块。 ARM(LPC2148)微控制器在数据收集和处理模块中起着至关重要的作用。 GSM 900模块的上行链路和下行链路频率范围分别为890-915 MHz和935-960 MHz,用于该模型的两个模块之间的通信。软件即服务(SaaS)(云计算中的服务提供商)构成了数据可视化模块的核心部分。通过Web门户和android应用程序(用户可以随时通过其手机访问该应用程序),能源用户可以了解其日常消耗的能源单位以及根据其收取的费用。如果他们当前的电量超过其个人每月预算,这将有助于提醒用户其所消耗的能量单位。



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