首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Applied Engineering Research >Particulate Matter Modelling of Coarse and PM_(10) of Cigarette Smoke based on the SPH Scheme

Particulate Matter Modelling of Coarse and PM_(10) of Cigarette Smoke based on the SPH Scheme


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This paper applies a simulation model to explore the dispersion effect of cigarette smoke. The model tracks the movement of particulate matter of cigarette smoke exposures in a building compartment using a computation of a 3D fluid flow based on the smoothed particle hydrodynamic (SPH) scheme. The model is applied to virtual environment with real-time interactions. To reach good performances and balancing between visualization, user interaction, and computations, this paper developed an approach of computation methods based on parallel programming on a GPU. The 3D fluid flow solvers have been developed for smoke dispersion simulation by using combinations of the SPH based fluid flow solvers and the advantages of the parallelism and programmability of the GPU. The fluid flow solver is generated in the GPU-CPU message passing scheme to have rapid development of user feedback modes for fluid dynamic data. The results show that these approaches provide effective simulation of the cigarette smoke dispersion model for real-time interaction in 3D computer graphic for PC platform. Although this paper has only the simulation model of particulate matter, particularly coarse and PM_(10), this report has shown the feasibility of a new approach of solving the fluid flow equations for smoke dispersion on the GPU. The experimental tests indicate that particulate matter in smoke dispersion on a building compartment with user interactions can be tracked time-by-time to trace the spatial effects of particulate matter during their movement.



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