首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Applied Engineering Research >Fuzzy Based Load Frequency Control in Two Area Network Including DG

Fuzzy Based Load Frequency Control in Two Area Network Including DG


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Automatic Generation Control (AGC) is associate integral a part of Energy Management System. This paper deals with the automatic generation control of interconnected multi area grid network. The first purpose of the AGC is to balance the full system generation against system load and losses so the specified frequency and power interchange with neighboring systems are maintained. Any pair between generation and demand causes the system frequency to deviate from regular worth. So high frequency deviation could result in system collapse. This necessitates associate correct and quick acting controller to take care of constant nominal frequency. The limitations of the conventional controls are slow and lack of efficiency in handling system non-linearity. This leads to develop a control technique for AGC. In this paper both conventional PI and FUZZY controller approach of automatic generation control has been examined. Fuzzy based AGC has been used for all optimization purposes. System performance has been evaluated at various disturbances such as, load disturbances, grid disturbances and both load and grid disturbances. Various responses due to conventional and proposed FUZZY based AGC controllers have been compared at load disturbances, grid disturbances and both load and grid disturbances.
机译:自动发电控制(AGC)是能源管理系统的一部分。本文研究了互联多区域网格网络的自动发电控制。 AGC的首要目的是在整个系统发电量与系统负载和损耗之间取得平衡,从而维持与相邻系统之间的指定频率和功率交换。发电量和需求量之间的任何一对都会导致系统频率偏离正常值。因此,高频率偏差可能导致系统崩溃。这需要相关的正确且快速动作的控制器来照顾恒定的标称频率。传统控制的局限性是缓慢的,并且在处理系统非线性方面缺乏效率。这导致开发用于AGC的控制技术。本文研究了传统的PI和FUZZY控制器自动发电控制方法。基于模糊的AGC已用于所有优化目的。已在各种干扰(例如负载干扰,电网干扰以及负载和电网干扰)下评估了系统性能。在负载扰动,电网扰动以及负载和电网扰动方面,已经比较了基于常规和建议的基于FUZZY的AGC控制器引起的各种响应。



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