首页> 外文期刊>International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering >A parallel-supercomputing investigation of the stiffness of aligned, short-fiber-reinforced composites using the Boundary Element Method

A parallel-supercomputing investigation of the stiffness of aligned, short-fiber-reinforced composites using the Boundary Element Method


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Computational experiments are carried out in three-dimensional, multi-fibre specimens with the objective of determining the influence of fibre volume fraction (φ) and aspect ratio (ar) on the effective tensile modulus of aligned, discontinuous fibre-reinforced composites. The Boundary Element Method (BEM), implemented on a 1840-node Intel Paragon parallel supercomputer using a torus-wrap mapping, enables the prediction of the tensile behaviour of composite specimens consisting of up to 200 discrete aligned short fibres, randomly dispersed in an elastic matrix. Statistical averages of the computed effective longitudinal moduli are compared with the predictions of the Halpin-Tsai equation and are found to be in good agreement for low values of ar and φ. However, as ar and/or φ increase, the predictions of the Halpin-Tsai equation fall below the computed moduli. Consideration of the finite packing efficiency of the fibres as proposed by Lewis and Nielsen results in a generalized form of the Halpin-Tsai equation whose predictions are in very good agreement with the BEM calculations for the entire range of φ and ar examined. The scatter in the computed moduli decreases with increasing number of fibres, reflecting the homogenization of the specimen brought about by consideration of larger numbers of smaller fibres. This scatter grows with increasing and ar, reflecting an increase in the magnitude and complexity of inter-fibre interactions.
机译:为了确定纤维体积分数(φ)和纵横比(ar)对取向的,不连续的纤维增强复合材料的有效拉伸模量的影响,在三维多纤维样品中进行了计算实验。边界元素方法(BEM)在1840节点的Intel Paragon并行超级计算机上使用圆环包裹贴图实现,可以预测复合试样的拉伸行为,该复合试样由多达200条离散排列的短纤维组成,这些短纤维随机分散在弹性体中矩阵。将计算出的有效纵向模量的统计平均值与Halpin-Tsai方程的预测值进行比较,发现对于低的ar和φ值,它们具有很好的一致性。但是,随着ar和/或φ的增加,Halpin-Tsai方程的预测将低于计算的模数。 Lewis和Nielsen提出的对纤维有限堆积效率的考虑导致了Halpin-Tsai方程的广义形式,其预测与在整个φ和ar范围内的BEM计算非常吻合。计算出的模量中的散射随纤维数量的增加而减小,反映出由于考虑了更多数量的较小纤维而导致的样品均质化。这种分散随着ar和ar的增加而增加,反映了光纤间交互作用的数量和复杂性的增加。



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